\setNameToFancyFooter{JACK SPARROW}
% put in another colour instead of cyan to change the colour
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0043/800 010 100 & \faPhone \\
Address Line & \faHome \\
Town, Country & \faMapMarker \\
\texttt{jack@sparrow.com} & \faAt \\
\texttt{www.sparrow.com} & \faLaptop
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% the NAME
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\nametag{Jack }{Sparrow}
\headerrule{cvcolour}{1.3em} % 0.45cm
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\begin{tabular}{r p{0.8\textwidth}}
2017--2019 & \textbf{Pirate Trainer} \newline
{ Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet. } \\
2016--2017 & \textbf{Captain Training} \newline
{ Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet. \newline Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet. }
\begin{tabular}{r p{0.8\textwidth}}
\cvdegree{1710}{Captain}{Certified}{Tortuga Uni \color{cvcolour}}{}{disney.png} \\
\cvdegree{1715}{Bucaneering}{M.A.}{London \color{cvcolour}}{test}{medal.jpeg} \\
\cvdegree{1720}{Bucaneering}{B.A.}{London \color{cvcolour}}{}{medal.jpeg}
\subsection{WORK EXPERIENCE}
\begin{tabular}{r| p{0.8\textwidth}}
\cvevent{2018--2021}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{East Indies \color{cvcolour}}{Finally got the goddamn ship back.}{disney.png} \\
\cvevent{2019}{Freelance Pirate}{Bucaneering}{Tortuga \color{cvcolour}}{This and that. The usual, aye?}{medal.jpeg} \\
\cvevent{2016--2017}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{Tortuga \color{cvcolour}}{Found a secret treasure, lost the ship.}{medal.jpeg}
\begin{tabular}{r| p{0.8\textwidth}}
\cvevent{2018--2021}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{East Indies \color{cvcolour}}{Finally got the goddamn ship back.}{disney.png} \\
\cvevent{2019}{Freelance Pirate}{Bucaneering}{Tortuga \color{cvcolour}}{This and that. The usual, aye?}{medal.jpeg} \\
\cvevent{2016--2017}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{Tortuga \color{cvcolour}}{Found a secret treasure, lost the ship.}{medal.jpeg}
\subsection{Teaching Experience}
\begin{tabular}{r| p{0.8\textwidth}}
\cvevent{2018--2021}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{East Indies \color{cvcolour}}{Finally got the goddamn ship back.}{disney.png} \\
\cvevent{2019}{Freelance Pirate}{Bucaneering}{Tortuga \color{cvcolour}}{This and that. The usual, aye?}{medal.jpeg} \\
\cvevent{2016--2017}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{Tortuga \color{cvcolour}}{Found a secret treasure, lost the ship.}{medal.jpeg}
English (mother tongue).
French (parler).
Spanish A1.
\subsection{Secondary Education}
2018 & Certificate \\
1990 & Education Certificate \\
2018 & Certificate Certificate\\
1990 & Education
\subsection{Secondary Education}
2018 & Certificate \\
1990 & Education Certificate \\
2018 & Certificate Certificate\\
1990 & Education
\subsection{Tertiary Education}
2018 & Certificate \\
1990 & Education Certificate \\
2018 & Certificate Certificate\\
1990 & Education
\subsection{FELLOWSHIPS \& PRIZES}
\begin{tabular}{r p{0.8\textwidth}}
2018--2020 & Personal Assistant of Captain Barbossa \\
2019 & Best Pirate Ever \\
2018--2020 & Personal Assistant of Captain Barbossa \\
2019 & Best Pirate Ever
\subsection{GRANTS \& AWARDS}
\begin{tabular}{r p{0.8\textwidth}}
2018--2020 & Personal Assistant of Captain Barbossa \\
2019 & Best Pirate Ever \\
2018--2020 & Personal Assistant of Captain Barbossa \\
2019 & Best Pirate Ever
Blog: ``Sparrow and the Birds'', \protect\url{https://sparrow.com/}.
\subsection{TRAININGS GIVEN}
\begin{tabular}{r| p{0.8\textwidth}}
\cvevent{2019}{Cheating}{Bucaneering}{Royal Institution}{}{} \\
\cvevent{2019}{Stealing}{Bucaneering}{Royal Institution}{}{} \\
\cvevent{2018}{Be Your Best Pirate Self}{Bucaneering}{Royal Institution}{}{} \\
ab 2019 & The Royal Society \\
ab 2018 & Pirates' Club \\
ab 2019 & The Royal Society \\
ab 2018 & Pirates' Club
\begin{tabular}{>{\bfseries}r >{}p{0.8\textwidth}}
1729\hspace{-0.5em} & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, in: Barbossa (ed.): \emph{Proceedings of the Pirate's Conference}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
1720\hspace{-0.5em} & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).\\
1729\hspace{-0.5em} & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, in: Barbossa (ed.): \emph{Proceedings of the Pirate's Conference}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
1720\hspace{-0.5em} & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).
\brackdate{1729} & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, in: Barbossa (ed.): \emph{Proceedings of the Pirate's Conference}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
\brackdate{1720} & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).\\
\brackdate{1729} & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, in: Barbossa (ed.): \emph{Proceedings of the Pirate's Conference}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
\brackdate{1720} & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).
\brackdate{1729} & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, in: Barbossa (ed.): \emph{Proceedings of the Pirate's Conference}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
\brackdate{1720} & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).\\
\brackdate{1729} & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, in: Barbossa (ed.): \emph{Proceedings of the Pirate's Conference}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
\brackdate{1720} & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).
\item \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, in: Barbossa (ed.): \emph{Proceedings of the Pirate's Conference}, Tortuga Printing Press, 1729.
\item ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).
\item \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, in: Barbossa (ed.): \emph{Proceedings of the Pirate's Conference}, Tortuga Printing Press, 1729.
\item ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).
\pubdate{1729}\emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, in: Barbossa (ed.): \emph{Proceedings of the Pirate's Conference}, Tortuga Printing Press.
\pubdate{1730}\emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, in: Barbossa (ed.): \emph{Proceedings of the Pirate's Conference}, Tortuga Printing Press.
\begin{tabular}{r p{0.8\textwidth}}
\cvdegree{1710}{Captain}{Certified}{Tortuga Uni \color{cvcolour}}{}{disney.png} \\
\cvdegree{1715}{Bucaneering}{M.A.}{London \color{cvcolour}}{test}{medal.jpeg} \\
\cvdegree{1720}{Bucaneering}{B.A.}{London \color{cvcolour}}{}{medal.jpeg}