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\bfseries\scshape Chapter Title}}
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% ------- [First Page Running Head] - place it immediately after title! ------
\fancyhead[L]{In: Book Title \\
Editor: Editor Name, pp. {\thepage-\pageref{lastpage-01}}} % needs \label{lastpage-01} on the last page.
\fancyhead[R]{ISBN 0000000000 \\
\copyright~2007 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.}
\noindent \textbf{PACS} 05.45-a, 52.35.Mw, 96.50.Fm.
\vspace{.08in} \noindent \textbf{Keywords:} Energy of vacuum state.
%% Other situations:
\noindent \textbf{Key Words}: inflation, cosmological parameters
\vspace{.08in} \noindent {\textbf AMS Subject Classification:} 53D, 37C, 65P.
% ------------ [Running Heads - for odd and even pages] - please insert it only on page 2!
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