%% Submissions for peer-review must enable line-numbering
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%% line numbers, and should have this option removed.
%% Please note that the line numbering option requires
%% version 1.1 or newer of the ncc.cls file, and
%% the corresponding author info requires v1.2
\documentclass[fleqn,10pt]{ncc} % for journal submissions
\title{Article Title Example}
\author[1]{First Author}
\author[2]{Second Author}
\affil[1]{Department, University, City, Country of first author}
\affil[2]{Department, University, City, Country of first author}
\corrauthor[1]{First Author}{f.author@email.com}
\keywords{Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3, Keyword 4, Maximum 5 keywords}
Dummy abstract text. Dummy abstract text. Dummy abstract text. Dummy abstract text. Dummy abstract text. Dummy abstract text. Dummy abstract text. Dummy abstract text. Dummy abstract text. Dummy abstract text. Dummy abstract text.
No more than 200 characters.
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If you have a question, please use the help menu in the top right of the screen to get in touch. When your article or pre-print is complete, use the "Submit to NCC" button in the topbar to send your files to NCC.
\subsection{About NCC}
Novel Computation and Control is an award-winning open access publisher covering the biological and medical sciences. NCC provides authors with three publication venues: \textit{NCC} and \textit{NCC Computer Science} (peer-reviewed academic journals) and \textit{NCC PrePrints} (a 'pre-print server').
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\section{Some \LaTeX{} Examples}
Use section and subsection commands to organize your document. \LaTeX{} handles all the formatting and numbering automatically. Use ref and label commands for cross-references.
\subsection{Figures and Tables}
Use the table and tabular commands for basic tables --- see Table~\ref{tab:widgets}, for example. You can upload a figure (JPEG, PNG or PDF) using the project menu. To include it in your document, use the includegraphics command as in the code for Figure~\ref{fig:view} below.
\caption{An example image.}
Item & Quantity \\\hline
Widgets & 42 \\
Gadgets & 13
\caption{\label{tab:widgets}An example table.}
LaTeX formats citations and references automatically using the bibliography records in your .bib file, which you can edit via the project menu. Use the cite command for an inline citation, like \cite{hirsch2005index}, and the cite command for a citation in parentheses \cite{morone2015influence,hirsch2005index,dangalchev2006residual,garg2015brief}.
\LaTeX{} is great at typesetting mathematics. Let $X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n$ be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables with $\text{E}[X_i] = \mu$ and $\text{Var}[X_i] = \sigma^2 < \infty$, and let
$$S_n = \frac{X_1 + X_2 + \cdots + X_n}{n}
= \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i}^{n} X_i$$
denote their mean. Then as $n$ approaches infinity, the random variables $\sqrt{n}(S_n - \mu)$ converge in distribution to a normal $\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)$.
You can make lists with automatic numbering \dots
\item Like this,
\item and like this.
\dots or bullet points \dots
\item Like this,
\item and like this.
\dots or with words and descriptions \dots
\item[Word] Definition
\item[Concept] Explanation
\item[Idea] Text
We hope you find write\LaTeX\ useful for your NCC submission, and please let us know if you have any feedback. Further examples with dummy text are included in the following pages.
\lipsum[4] % Dummy text
\cos^3 \theta =\frac{1}{4}\cos\theta+\frac{3}{4}\cos 3\theta
\lipsum[5] % Dummy text
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\paragraph{Paragraph} \lipsum[7] % Dummy text
\paragraph{Paragraph} \lipsum[8] % Dummy text
\lipsum[9] % Dummy text
\caption{In-text Picture}
Reference to Figure \ref{fig:results}.
\section{Results and Discussion}
\lipsum[10] % Dummy text
\lipsum[11] % Dummy text
\lipsum[12] % Dummy text
\lipsum[14] % Dummy text
\lipsum[15-20] % Dummy text
The authors of this paper are partially supported by the US national grant No. 123456.