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%look for !!!EDIT comments
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% private defs
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\newcommand{\refch}[1]{Chapter \ref{#1}}
\newcommand{\reffig}[1]{Figure \ref{#1}}
%normal spacing
\section{Proposal Summary}
Solicitation \#/Name}
\section{Table of Contents}
\subsection{Objectives and Expected Significance}\label{sec:obj}
\subsection{Perceived Impact}\label{sec:impact}
\subsection{Relevance of Proposed Work}\label{sec:relevance}
\subsection{Technical Approach and Methodology} \label{sec:tech}
\paragraph{Deeper Background}
\subsection{Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies}\label{sec:risks}
\subsection{Plan of Work and Management Structure}\label{sec:plan}
%milestones table (optional)
\caption{Major project milestones.\label{tbl:milestones}}\\
& \textbf{Milestone} & \textbf{Expected} \\
{\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\
& \textbf{Milestone} & \textbf{Expected} \\
\hline \multicolumn{3}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}} \\
1 & Win Award & 2020\\
2 & Get Money & 2025\\
3& Complete Work & 2028\\
%NB: some ROSES elements want this here, some want a separate DMP
\subsection{Data Management Plan}\label{sec:dmp}
\subsubsection{Data Types, Volume, and Formats}
\subsubsection{Data Archiving}
\subsubsection{Mechanisms for Long-term Preservation and Public Access}
\subsubsection{Schedule for Data Archiving and Sharing}
%%most of the backmatter will be moved to unredacted separate doc
\section{Personnel and Work Effort Table} %fully anonymized
\noindent\begin{tabular}{| L{1.35in} | L{1.65in} | L{1.5in} | L{1.2in} |}
\textbf{Person or Role} &
\textbf{Time Charged to this Proposal} &
\textbf{Time not charged to this proposal} &
\textbf{Total time per person/year} \\
PI (Institution 1) & 0.5 academic months/year & N/A & 0.5 months/year \\
GRA 1 (Institution 1) & 12 months/year & N/A & 12 months/year\\
Co-I 1 (Institution 2) & 1 month/year & N/A & 1 month/year\\
GRA 2 (Institution 2) & 12 months/year & N/A & 12 months/year\\
Co-I 2 (Institution 3) & 1 months/year & N/A & 1 months/year \\
GRA 3 (Institution 3) & 3 months/year & N/A & 3 months/year\\
Collaborator 1 & N/A & de minimis & de minimis \\
%remember - these must all be anonymous AND redacted for salary/fringe
\invisiblesection{Budget Narrative}
\invisiblesubsection{Institution 1 (lead)}
\invisiblesubsection{Institution 2}
\invisiblesubsection{Institution 3}
\invisiblesection{Detailed Budget}
\invisiblesubsection{Institution 1 (lead)}
\invisiblesubsection{Institution 2}
\invisiblesubsection{Institution 3}
%Separate PDF documents from proposal document
%"Total" Budget Document (separate PDF file attached as document type "Total Budget")
%"Non-anoynmized expertise and resources doc