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\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
pdftitle={MSc Proposal by Student A},
% Title
\Large Research Title\\%\\[0.5in]
\normalsize by\\%
\textup{\small {\bf Student Name}\\
{\bf Department of Computer Science \\ School of Computing \& Informatics Technology}\\[0.3in]
\emph{A Research Proposal Submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training
in Partial Fulfilment of the
Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Science in Computer Science
of Makerere University}
% \small \emph{Submitted in partial fulfillment of\\
% the requirements for the award of the degree of}
% Supervisors
\normalsize {\bf Supervisors} \\
Prof. Denish Azamuke\\
% \url{email@aimil.com }\\
Dr. Denish Azamuke\\
% \url{email@email.com}\\
Mr. Denish Azamuke\\
% \url{email@email.com}\\
June 2024
\nomenclature{AI}{Artificial Intelligence}
\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Abbreviations}
\nomenclature{ML}{Machine Learning}
\section{Introduction} \label{intro}
Money laundering is a ~\cite{ali2020evaluation}~\cite{azamuke2022scenario}
\subsection{Problem Statement} \label{pspr}
\subsection{Objectives of the Study}
\subsubsection{Main Objective}
The main objective of the study is....
\subsubsection{Specific Objectives}
This research will especially
\item[(i)] Identify properties....
\item[(ii)] Design and implement....
\item[(iii)] Evaluate and validate....
\subsection{Significance of the Study}
\section{Literature Review} \label{literature}
This section discusses.....
This subsection discusses some of the machine learning techniques.......
Xuan et al.~\cite{xuan2018random}...
\subsection{Neural Networks}
Ebenezer et al. \cite{esenogho2022neural}...
The state of art~\cite{ucc}.....
\section{Methodology} \label{methodology}
This section discusses the data, and some of the machine learning models that shall be....
\subsection{Mapping of Specific Objectives to Method}
This subsection provides a summary of the mapping of specific objectives of the research study to the methods that will be used.
\textbf{Specific Objective} & \textbf{Method}\\
& \\
\caption{Summary of specific objectives mapped to methods.}
\section{: Work Plan}
SNo & Activity& Timeline (2023) \\
1 & Activity 1 & Oct - Dec \\
2 & Activity 2 & \\
3 & Activity 3 & \\
4 & Activity 4 & \\
\caption{Summary of the work plan.}