% Credit goes to:
% Adrien Friggeri and Carmine Benedetto whose FancyCV and SmartFancyCV are the basis for my work:
% https://github.com/neoben/smart-fancy-latex-cv/commits?author=neoben
%!TEX TS-program = XeLaTex / XeLaTex + MakeIndex
%Most of Doug´s data courtesy of https://kingofqueens.fandom.com
\usepackage{float} % to position signature
\usepackage{enumitem} % to customize indent of bullet points via \itemize
colorlinks=false, % no lik border color
allbordercolors=white % white border color for all
bubble center node font = \footnotesize,
bubble node font = \footnotesize,
% specifies the minimum size of the bubble center node
bubble center node size = 0.06cm,
% specifies the minimum size of the bubbles
bubble node size = 0mm,
% specifies which is the distance among the bubble center node and the other bubbles
distance center/other bubbles = 0.8cm,
% sets the distance from the text to the border of the bubble center node
distance text center bubble = 0.3cm,
% set center bubble color
bubble center node color = centergray,
% define the list of colors usable in the diagram
set color list = {bubblegray, bubblegray, bubblegray, bubblegray, bubblegray, white, lightgray, lightgray, lightgray, lightgray},
% sets the opacity at which the bubbles are shown
bubble fill opacity = 0.7,
% sets the opacity at which the bubble text is shown
bubble text opacity = 1,
% \addbibresource{bibliography.bib}
% you can change ipsgreen to any color you like, but you´ll also have to change it in the reccius-cv-experiment.cls file
{Passionate Driver}
% In the aside, each new line forces a line break
%%%%%%%%%%%% CONTACT %%%%%%%%%%
{{\small February 9, 1965}\hfill{\LARGE \textborn\thinspace\thinspace\verythinspace}\\
\small 3121 Aberdeen Road, Queens, NY}\hfill{\Large\faMapMarker\thinspace\thinspace\thinspace}\\
{\small (718) 555-LOGS}\hfill{\LARGE\Mobilefone\thinspace}\\
\href{mailto:doug.heffernan@international-parcel-service.com}{{\small\textbf{doug.heffernan@}ips-nyc.com}\hfill{\Large\Letter}\hspace{0.6mm}{\small \faMousePointer}}\\
%%% %%%%%%%% SIDE BARS %%%%%%%%%
\section{Skills\thinspace \&\thinspace Strengths}\\
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, noitemsep]
\item Save and punctual delivery of packages to end consumers
\item Rudimentary vehicle maintenance task\\
\textbf{People Skills}\\\vspace{0.2mm}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, noitemsep]
\item Contributes significantly to collegial athmosphere\\
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, noitemsep]
\item Your steaks, your bacons, your bratwursts \\
\item Definitely no tofu! \\
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, noitemsep]
\item Tried out for Nassau Rebels semi-pro football team twice\\
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, noitemsep]
\item Providing home (basement) for father-in-law for years\\
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 7mm, terminal/.style={
rectangle, minimum height = 2mm, rounded corners = 1mm, thick,
draw = darkgray, fill = white, align = left}]
\node (A) [terminal] {creative problem solver};
\node (B) [terminal, below=of A.west,anchor=west] {keeping it light};
\node (C) [terminal, below=of B.west,anchor=west] {ultimate team player};
\node (D) [terminal, below=of C.west,anchor=west] {modest};
\node (E) [terminal, right=2mm of D.east,anchor=west] {leader in spirit};
\node (F) [terminal, below=of D.west,anchor=west] {dependable driver};
\section{Eager to deepen knowledge about...}\\
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, noitemsep]
\item ...baloney-darts
\item ...getting back into shape
\item ...containing cranky old people
\section{Sports Teams}\\
\smartdiagram[bubble diagram]{
\section{Interests \& Activities}
\textbf{Football (watching, occasionally playing) | Rock Music |\\
Bruce Springsteen | Good Food} \\
\textbf{Bowling}\hfill\href{https://kingofqueens.fandom.com/wiki/Doug_Heffernan}{\small Cooper´s Onion Ringers} since 1999\\
\textbf{Softball}\hfill\href{https://kingofqueens.fandom.com/wiki/Doug_Heffernan}{\faMousePointer}\thinspace \thinspace board member\thinspace from\thinspace 1998-1999\\
%%% %%%%%%%% EDUCATION %%%%%%%%%%
{March, 2005\enspace}
{Advanced Training | }{\small{internal}}
{\normalsize\textbf{\color{ipsgreen}\faMapMarker\space International Parcel Service (IPS)}}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, itemsep = 0.1em]
\item Completed the IPS aptitude test for aspiring managerial staff
\item Subsequently decided to keep pursuing his passion for driving and delivering instead\\
{1985 - 1986\enspace}
{Junior College | }{\small{no degree}}
{\normalsize\textbf{\color{ipsgreen}\faMapMarker\space Nassau Community College}}
{\textbf{Coursework:} \\College Preparatory English, Introduction to College Biology I, Contemporary Music, The History of Sports in America
{1980 - 1984\enspace}
{High School Diploma | } {\Large\diameter\thinspace\normalsize 1.7 GPA}
{\normalsize\textbf{\color{ipsgreen}\faMapMarker\space St. Gregory's High School, Queens, NY}
{\textbf{Honors Classes}: \\Physical Education, running back (All-County)}\vspace{-2.8mm}
%%%%%%%%%%%% EXPERIENCE %%%%%%%%%%%%
{1994 - now\enspace}
{Truck Driver | }{ \href{https://kingofqueens.fandom.com/de/wiki/International_Parcel_Service}{\small Queens Area \faMousePointer}}
{\normalsize\textbf{\color{ipsgreen}\faMapMarker\space International Parcel Service (IPS)}}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, itemsep = 0.1em]
\item Delivered packages to costumers around New York City (mostly Queens)
\item Practiced solidarity as a union member during a driver strike in the year 2000
\item Occasionally chosen to move specialty items such as live animals between NY Zoos
\item Company-wide record holder for \textit{number of days without an "incident" - no complaints or broken packages}
\item Was profiled in the company newsletter \textit{IP-Yes}\\
{May, 1999\enspace}
{Interim Shift Supervisor | }{ \href{https://kingofqueens.fandom.com/de/wiki/International_Parcel_Service}{\small Queens Office \faMousePointer}}
{\normalsize\textbf{\color{ipsgreen}\faMapMarker\space International Parcel Service (IPS)}}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, itemsep = 0.1em]
\item Brief detour into white collar occupation when the team was in need
\item Provided temporary support to the office in the absense of supervisor O´Boyle (personal leave of absense)
\item Scheduled routes for drivers
\item Managed the budget
\item Contributed to the motivation of all drivers and loaders\\
{Truck Loader | }{\href{https://kingofqueens.fandom.com/de/wiki/International_Parcel_Service}{\small Packages \& Cargo \faMousePointer}}
{\normalsize\textbf{\color{ipsgreen}\faMapMarker\space International Parcel Service (IPS)}}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, noitemsep]
\item Loaded all packages securely and in a logical order for the drivers to deliver
\item Worked closely with the drivers to ensure maximum efficiency and safety
\item Briefly returned to loading duties due to an unfortunate test-taking incident in 2002 \\
{Security Guard | }{\small Nightclub \& Bar}
{\normalsize\textbf{\color{ipsgreen}\faMapMarker\space Sour Polly, Queens, NY}}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, itemsep = 0.1em]
\item Providing rigorous access control of costumers
\item Making difficult and critical entry decisions
\item Keeping the customers safe and entertained\\
\hspace{6.5cm} Queens, NY, May 14th, 2007