% LaTeX template for Models of Computation assessed coursework
% Most of the required packages are standard and should be provided by most TeX installations
% The exception is mathpartir, which is provided alongside this document
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}
% Common macros
% BNF notation
\newcommand{\Gbar}{\mathbin{\ \big|\ }}
% Big-step arrow
% Semantic operators are (often) underlined to avoid ambiguity
% Program syntax is set in teletype using the \cmd macro
% Macros for program constructs
\cmd{if} \; #1 \; \cmd{then} \; #2 \; \cmd{else} \; #3 }
\cmd{while} \; #1 \; \cmd{do} \; #2 }
% \ang{x} typesets x in angled brackets
\newcommand{\ang}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle}
% The following two macros are for typesetting rules and derivations
% Usage: \drule{rule name}{premise1 \\ premise2 \\ premise3 ...}{conclusion}
% The premises will often also be derivations using \drule.
% The difference between \drule and and \Drule is that the space for the rule name
% is not measured with \Drule. This is useful for typesetting left-most subderivations.
% For defininitions
% WhileDM
% Names of types
\newcommand{\ad}[1]{\ulcorner {#1} \urcorner}
\newcommand{\stof}[2]{\texttt{fst} [ {#1} ] \leftarrow {#2}}
\newcommand{\stos}[2]{\texttt{snd} [ {#1} ] \leftarrow {#2}}
\newcommand{\typ}{\tau} % Type variable
\newcommand{\tc}{\Gamma} % Type context
\newcommand{\hptyp}[3]{#1 \Vdash #2 : #3}
\newcommand{\tcompat}[3]{#1 ; #2 ; #3 \vdash \textsf{\textup{well-typed}}}
\newcommand{\etyp}[3]{#1 \vdash #2 : #3}
\title{Models of Computation Assessed Coursework I}
\author{A. Student}
This document is a skeleton which provides macros to help typeset your solution to the coursework.
Rules can be typeset like this:
% gather* is a math environment provided by the amsmath package which can typeset multiple lines of maths (separated by \\).
\drule{e.var}{ x \in \dom{s} }{\ang{x, s, h} \bse \ang{s(x), s, h}} \qquad
\drule{e.num}{\ }{\ang{ n, s, h} \bse \ang{ n, s, h}} \\[0.5em]
\ang{E_1, s, h} \bse \ang{ n_1, s', h'} \\
\ang{E_2, s', h'} \bse \ang{ n_2, s'', h''} \\
n_3 = n_1 \semop+ n_2
}{ \ang{E_1 + E_2, s, h} \bse \ang{n_3, s'', h''} } \\[0.5em]
\drule{e.new}{ a \notin \dom h \\ (a + 1) \notin \dom h }{
\ang{\newp, s, h} \bse \ang{\ad a, s, h[a \mapsto 0][a + 1 \mapsto 0]}
} \displaybreak[1] \\[0.5em]
\drule{e.fst}{ \ang{E, s, h} \bse \ang{\ad a, s', h'} \\ a \in \dom{h'} }{
\ang{\fst{E}, s, h} \bse \ang{h'(a), s', h'}
} \\[0.5em]
\drule{e.snd}{ \ang{E, s, h} \bse \ang{\ad a, s', h'} \\ a+1 \in \dom{h'} }{
\ang{\snd{E}, s, h} \bse \ang{h'(a+1), s', h'}
Derivations can be typeset as in Figure~\ref{fig:deriveg}
% For very wide derivations, it can be helpful to write part of the derivation separately and use a symbol to stand for it, as in the following example:
(\dagger) \equiv \drule{$\lor$I-r}{
\lnot (p \lor \lnot p), p \vdash p
\lnot (p \lor \lnot p), p \vdash p
} \\
\Drule{Ax}{\ }{\lnot (p \lor \lnot p) \vdash \lnot (p \lor \lnot p)}
\lnot (p \lor \lnot p), p \vdash \bot
\lnot (p \lor \lnot p) \vdash \lnot p
\lnot (p \lor \lnot p) \vdash p \lor \lnot p
(\dagger) \\
\Drule{Ax}{\ }{\lnot (p \lor \lnot p) \vdash \lnot (p \lor \lnot p)}
\lnot (p \lor \lnot p) \vdash \bot
\vdash \lnot \lnot (p \lor \lnot p)
\vdash p \lor \lnot p
\caption{A derivation}
\tcompat{\Gamma}{s}{h} \\ % State is well-typed with respect to a context
\etyp{\Gamma}{E}{\typ} \\ % E has type \typ in context \Gamma
\hptyp{h}{v}{\typ} \\ % Value v has type \typ in heap h
% For inline maths, use $ ... $
Suppose that $\tcompat{\Gamma}{s}{h}$.
% For display maths, use \[ \] (other options are available)
We wish to show that
\etyp{\Gamma}{E}{\typ} \implies \hptyp{h}{v}{\typ} \text{.}