% Document class and package definitions
%Included for Gather Purpose only:
%input "thesisreferences.bib"
\newacronym{nlp}{NLP}{Natural Language Processing}
\defaultbibliography{thesisreferences} %% Change this only.
\defaultbibliographystyle{plain} %% Could be changed if you like
%% references typeset differently.
% Define title, author, etc.
\def\thesistitle{Example Thesis updated by Tosin Adewumi}
\def\theauthor{Johan E.\ Carlson}
\def\theaddress{Dept.\ of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering\\
Lule{\aa} University of Technology\\ Lule{\aa}, Sweden}
\def\supervisors{Name of your supervisor(s)}
\def\supervisorstring{Supervisors:} % Edit here if you have only one supervisor
\def\dedication{To my surprise...}
% Read abstract and preface from separate files.
% Make sure these exist. See example files.
% Change here if you want to remove the logo printed on the first page
%\def\thelogo{\includegraphics[width=2.5cm]{bg_wall.jpg}} % old EU logo
\def\thelogo{} % no logo
% The definitions above could be put directly in the function call below,
% but is here defined explicitly, for the purpose of clarity.
%% Begin Part I
\makepartpage{Part I}
%% Initialize part containing the thesis introduction chapters
%------------------------ Start chapter 1 --------------------------
% The \makechapter command takes three arguments
% 1) An abbreviated version of the chapter name,
% to be used as page header
% 2) String to be added to the table of contents
% 3) The chapter name, possibly split in to lines,
% as in Chapter 2 below.
% The different arguments can have different line breaks.
% The actual contents of the chapter is included by removing the
% comment from the \input line below. Make sure the file
% chapter1.tex exists.
\def\myquote{``This report, by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read."\\[.5\baselineskip] Winston Churchill}
\makechapter[\myquote]{Thesis Introduction}{Thesis Introduction}{Thesis
\makechapter{Running header}{Table of contents entry}{Title
appearing on the\\ chapter start page\label{ch2}}
\makechapter{Nonsense chapter}{Nonsense chapter}{Nonsense chapter, here only to verify that some issues in previous versions are really resolved!}
\makechapter{Nonsense chapter}{Nonsense chapter}{Nonsense chapter, here only to verify that some issues in previous versions are really resolved!}
%% Begin Part II - Collection of papers
\makepartpage{Part II}%
\def\paperheader{Paper A}
\def\papertitle{The Title of the Papers in the Thesis are Automatically Split In Several Lines if Necessary}
\def\paperauthorstring{John Doe and Jane Doe}
\def\referencestring{Example Thesis, Internal Report, Lule{\aa} University of Technology, 2002.}
\def\copyrightstring{2002, The Publisher, Reprinted with permission.}
% The definitions above could just as well be put directly into the function
% call below, but were explicitly defined to more clearly illustrate the
% use of the function \makepaper.
% The actual contents is imported by un-commenting the \input line below.
% Make sure the file exist.
\def\paperheader{Paper B}
\def\papertitle{The Theory of Research}
\def\paperauthorstring{John Doe and Jane Doe}
\def\referencestring{Example Thesis, Internal Report, Lule{\aa} University of Technology, 2009.}
\def\copyrightstring{2009, The Publisher, Reprinted with permission.}
% The definitions above could just as well be put directly into the function
% call below, but were explicitly defined to more clearly illustrate the
% use of the function \makepaper.
% The actual contents is imported by un-commenting the \input line below.
% Make sure the file exist.
\def\paperheader{Paper C}
\def\papertitle{Yet Another Sub-Optimal Estimator of Sinusoids in Noise}
\def\paperauthorstring{Dr.\ C}
\def\referencestring{Example Thesis, Internal Report, Lule{\aa} University of Technology, 2009.}
\def\copyrightstring{2009, The Publisher, Reprinted with permission.}
% The definitions above could just as well be put directly into the function
% call below, but were explicitly defined to more clearly illustrate the
% use of the function \makepaper.
% The actual contents is imported by un-commenting the \input line below.
% Make sure the file exist.
\def\paperheader{Paper D}
\def\papertitle{An example of a yet-to-be-submitted paper}
\def\paperauthorstring{Dr.\ C}
% The definitions above could just as well be put directly into the function
% call below, but were explicitly defined to more clearly illustrate the
% use of the function \makepaper.
% The actual contents is imported by un-commenting the \input line below.
% Make sure the file exist.