% LRP2020 white paper template
% Search for "Instructions" below, and also see the call for white papers
% https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IT0g5AqaQM2FQQ0--M9qyQuWQ2906WlK_R-O32ZYoSY/
% Please don't change the page headings, margins or font size.
% 2019/06/27: v1.0 original version, v1.0
% 2019/07/12: v1.1 instructions added in executive summary section, re: cover page.
% Changes to wording of text box questions 2, 6, 7.
\geometry{letterpaper, portrait, margin=2cm}
%Please insert your expression of interest number of the form ENNN; see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_GqBxICZL0di_KvQoi_ZrdfNvqNnGotSYAoq0UqJYGc/
% and title (shorten if necessary) in the line below
% Instructions: A 5000-character-or-less executive summary will be requested on the white paper submission form.
% The white paper submission form will generate a cover page that will include the executive summary, topic area, author list and lead author contact information. Please do not include this information in the PDF generated with this template.
% Instructions: Please insert your white paper text here.
%A white paper should be a self-contained description of a future opportunity for Canadian astronomy. A white paper will be most effective and useful if it concisely summarises and recommends an option that the LRP2020 panel should be considering for prioritisation.
% White papers are not required to contain a specific set of sections or headings. Depending on the content, the following topics may be appropriate to include:
%connection or relevance to Canada
%description of risk
%governance / membership structure
%justification for private submission of supplementary information
% The full document can have a maximum length of 10 pages including text, figures, tables, responses to selection criteria, references and appendices, and a size of 30 MB.
Here is some example text, with citations
\citet{2008Obs...128..280L}, and \citep{2006SPIE.6177..199T,2006JRASC.100....3S}.
% ****BEGIN CRITERIA SECTION (4 page limit) ****
%Assessment and prioritisation of facilities and programs in LRP2020 will be based on a predefined set of criteria.
%Authors are requested to explicitly address these criteria in the set of text boxes below. Some criteria may not be applicable to all white papers.
% There is no specific length limit on individual boxes.
% However, the full set of 8 boxes should comprise no more than 4 pages and these pages **do** count toward the 10-page limit of the full document.
\begin{lrptextbox}[How does the proposed initiative result in fundamental or transformational advances in our understanding of the Universe?]
%insert your text here
\begin{lrptextbox}[What are the main scientific risks and how will they be mitigated?]
%insert your text here
\begin{lrptextbox}[Is there the expectation of and capacity for Canadian scientific, technical or strategic leadership?]
%insert your text here
\begin{lrptextbox}[Is there support from, involvement from, and coordination within the relevant Canadian community and more broadly?]
%insert your text here
\begin{lrptextbox}[Will this program position Canadian astronomy for future opportunities and returns in 2020-2030 or beyond 2030?]
%insert your text here
\begin{lrptextbox}[In what ways is the cost-benefit ratio, including existing investments and future operating costs, favourable?]
%insert your text here
\begin{lrptextbox}[What are the main programmatic risks
%Instructions: Programmatic risks include but are not limited to schedule, feasibility, budget, technical readiness level, computational or software requirements, dependence on other partners, and governance plan.
and how will they be mitigated?]
%insert your text here
\begin{lrptextbox}[Does the proposed initiative offer specific tangible benefits to Canadians, including but not limited to interdisciplinary research, industry opportunities, HQP training,
%HQP=Highly qualified personnel, defined as individuals with university degrees at the bachelors' level and above.
%EDI = equity, diversity and inclusion
outreach or education?]
%insert your text here