%\documentclass[blind]{EQDclass}% Use the blind option to produce a blind copy of the manuscript
% Add here your packages
% \usepackage{mypackage}
% Add here your LaTeX macros
% \def\mymacro{}
% Load your bib source file here
% Change the title with the title of your paper
\Title{My title}
% Write the list of authors in order
\Author[Title, Affiliation \autemail{myemail@mydomain.com}]{Jane Doe}
%\Author[Title, Affiliation \autemail{hisemail@mydomain.com}]{John Doe}% you can add more authors
% Write your abstract
\Abstract{This is the abstract}
% Write the keywords (they won't appear in the pdf)
\Keywords{Sample, LaTeX}
% Write your JEL classifications code (they won't appear in the pdf)
\JEL{Xnn, Xnn}
% Print the title
% What follows is an example of elements you can use
\section{Review our submission guidelines}
Prior to submitting your paper, please review our submission guidelines here: \url{https://eqderivatives.com/journal-of-systematic-investing/jsi-submission-guidelines}
\section{This is an example of a section}
This is a regular paragraph. Please do not introduce personal settings to the layout of the section.
\subsection{This is an example of a subsection}
This is a regular paragraph. Don't use any section lower than subsection. If you need a footnote.\footnote{Here's your footnote.}
\section{Some floats}
\subsection{Some tables}
Check the code to introduce a table.
\Cref{Tab:1} is a one-column table, \Cref{Tab:2} is a two-column table.
\caption{One-column table}\label{Tab:1}
\TABhead Head 1 & \TABhead Head 2 & \TABhead Head 3 \\ \hline
\TABsubhead Subhead 1 & \TABsubhead Subhead 2 & \TABsubhead Subhead 3 \\ \hline
\TABsubsubhead Subsubhead 1 & a & b \\ \hline
\TABsubsubhead Subsubhead 2 & a & b \\ \hline
\TABsubsubhead Subsubhead 3 & a & b \\ \hline
\TABsubsubhead Subsubhead 4 & a & b \\ \hline
\afternote{Use this macro to write notes outside the caption.}
\afternotesource{Use this macro if you need to write the source.}
And here's some random text.
\caption{Two-column table}\label{Tab:2}
\TABhead Head 1 & \TABhead Head 2 & \TABhead Head 3 & \TABhead Head 4 & \TABhead Head 5 & \TABhead Head 6 \\ \hline
\TABsubhead Subhead 1 & \TABsubhead Subhead 2 & \TABsubhead Subhead 3 & \TABsubhead Subhead 4 & \TABsubhead Subhead 5 & \TABsubhead Subhead 6 \\ \hline
\TABsubsubhead Subsubhead 1 & \TABsubsubhead 2 & \TABsubsubhead 3 & \TABsubsubhead 4 & \TABsubsubhead 5 & \TABsubsubhead 6 \\ \hline
\TABsubsubhead Subsubhead 2 & a & b & c & d & e \\ \hline
\TABsubsubhead Subsubhead 3 & a & b & c & d & e \\ \hline
\TABsubsubhead Subsubhead 4 & a & b & c & d & e \\ \hline
And here's some more random text.
\subsection{Some figures}
Check the code to introduce a figure.
Here are some figure examples. \Crefs{Fig:1} and \ref{Fig:2} are two figures. \Cref{Fig:1} is a one-column figure, \Cref{Fig:2} is a two-column figure.
\caption{One-column figure}\label{Fig:1}
And here's some random text.
\caption{Two-column figure}\label{Fig:2}
And here's some more random text.
\section{Some math}
You can write math using the regular macros in the \verb+amsmath+ package. Here some math examples:
\nabla \cdot \mathbf{E} & = \dfrac{\rho}{\varepsilon_{0}} \label{Eq:1}\\
\nabla \cdot \mathbf{B} & = 0 \\
\nabla \times \mathbf{E} & = -\dfrac{\partial \mathbf{B}}{\partial t} \\
\nabla \times \mathbf{B} & = \mu_{0} \left(\mathbf{J}+\varepsilon_{0}\dfrac{\partial\mathbf{E}}{\partial t}\right) \label{Eq:4}
Some inline $\mathrm{E}=m\mathrm{c}^2$ math. See formula~\EQref{Eq:1} and \EQrefs{Eq:4}.
You can use the classic \LaTeX\ lists environments.
\item Item 1
\item Item 2
\item item a
\item item b
\item item c
\item Item 3
\item Item 1
\item Item 2
\item item a
\item item b
\item item c
\item Item 3
\item[Description 1] Item 1
\item[Description 2] Item 2
\item[Description 3] Item 3
The JSI adhers to the Chicago Manual of Style, please refer to their guide for more: \url{https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html}
To write an in-line citation you can use \verb+\citet+ like this: \citet{latexcompanion} say \LaTeX\ is great.
To build a citation within parenthesis you can use \verb+\citep+ \citep{latexcompanion}.
For multiple citations, you can include them all inside the cite macro \citep{latexcompanion,einstein}.
% Print your footnotes at the end here
% Appendix
This the appendix section, if you need one.
% Load your bibliography
\nocite{knuthwebsite}% use nocite if you want to include the entries from your bib file with no citation in the text. Do not use \nocite{*}
% Acknowledgments
You can write your Acknowledgments here.
If you use the blind environment to write material, it won't be printed with the blind option on.
% Disclosure
You can write your Disclosure here.