IVIA-AF Slides
Last Updated:
4 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Le template de base pour les slides de IVIA-AF

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%%% options passed to the outer theme
% hidetitle, % hide the (short) title in the sidebar
% hideauthor, % hide the (short) author in the sidebar
% hideinstitute, % hide the (short) institute in the bottom of the sidebar
% shownavsym, % show the navigation symbols
% width=2cm, % width of the sidebar (default is 2 cm)
% hideothersubsections,% hide all subsections but the subsections in the current section
% hideallsubsections, % hide all subsections
% left % right of left position of sidebar (default is right)
% If you want to change the colors of the various elements in the theme, edit and uncomment the following lines
% Change the bar and sidebar colors:
% Change the color of the structural elements:
% Change the frame title text color:
% Change the normal text color background:
%\setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=gray!10}
% ... and you can of course change a lot more - see the beamer user manual.
% Or whatever. Note that the encoding and the font should match. If T1
% does not look nice, try deleting the line with the fontenc.
% colored hyperlinks
\title[Apprentissage Automatique Supervisé]% optional, use only with long paper titles
{Titre: Apprentissage Automatique Supervisé}
\subtitle{Sous-Titre: Machine à Vecteur de Suppor (SVM) } % could also be a conference name
\author[IVIA-AF] % optional, use only with lots of authors
Elaboré par :
L'Association IVIA-AF\\
\chref{mailto:infos@ivia-af-ai}{{\tt infos@ivia-af-ai}}
% - Give the names in the same order as they appear in the paper.
% - Use the \inst{?} command only if the authors have different
% affiliation. See the beamer manual for an example
{\includegraphics[width=0.80\columnwidth]{images/ivia.jpg}}\\ %insert a company, department or university logo
] % optional - is placed in the bottom of the sidebar on every slide
{% is placed on the bottom of the title page
Email : \texttt{infos@ivia-af-ai} \\
Site Web : \texttt{http://www.ivia-af.ai/}\\
Github : \texttt{https://github.com/IVIA-AF}
%there must be an empty line above this line - otherwise some unwanted space is added between the university and the country (I do not know why;( )
% specify the logo in the top right/left of the slide
\pgfdeclareimage[height=0.7cm]{mainlogo}{images/ivia.jpg} % placed in the upper left/right corner
% specify a logo on the titlepage (you can specify additional logos an include them in
% institute command below
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% the titlepage %\wavesbg
\begin{frame}[plain,noframenumbering] % the plain option removes the sidebar and header from the title page
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\subsection*{Apprentissage Supervis\'e}
% list of the themes and options
% Don't change this
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=white!20}
\begin{frame}{Introduction} %frame's name
%\item \textcolor{red}
\item Consid\'erons les donn\'ees suivantes $D = \{x_{i},y_{i}\}^{n}_{i=1},$ avec $x_{i} \in \mathbb{R}^{d}$ et $y_{i} \in \{ \pm 1\} $.
\item L'objectif en \textcolor{red}{apprentissage supervis\'e} est de reconstruire une certaine fonction inconnue \textcolor{red}{f} de telle sorte que:
y \approx f(x), \quad x\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times d}.
\item En \textcolor{red}{apprentissage supervis\'e}, nous avons des algorithmes de \textcolor{red}{classification} et de \textcolor{red}{r\'egression}
\item Comme algorithmes de classification, nous avons la r\'egression logistique, KNN, \textcolor{blue}{Machine \`a vecteurs de Support}
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=white!20}
\item Use item
\section{Machine \`a vecteurs de Support (SVM)}
% list of the themes and options
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=white!20}
Consid\'erons la figure ....
\item On constate de la figure (ajouter ref) qu'on peut s\'eparer nos donn\'ees en \textcolor{red}{deux classes}.
\item Pour s\'eparer ces donn\'ees, il y'a une multitude de droites que nous pouvons utiliser.
% list of the themes and options
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=white!20}
\section{Calcul de la Marge}
\begin{block}{La formulation}
\item \textcolor{red}{Marge}: Elle est donn\'ee par:
2\frac{ \mid \omega^{T}x_{i}+b \mid}{\mid\mid w \mid\mid}, \quad \text{avec}\quad \mid \omega^{T}x_{i}+b \mid=1.
\item Donc la \textcolor{red}{marge} \'equivaut \`a:
\frac{2}{\mid\mid w \mid\mid}, \quad \text{avec}\quad \mid \omega^{T}x_{i}+b \mid=1.
% list of the themes and options
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=white!20}
\begin{frame}{Marge }{}
\item To do
\item Add
\item You can use this {\tt <dirstruct>} in your test\\
{\tt <somewhere>\textbackslash texmf}\\
\subsection{Contact Information}
% contact information
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{bg=white!20}
\begin{frame}{Feedback}{Contact Information}
Si vous avez de commentaires ou suggestions sur notre mod\`ele de pr\'esentation, n'h\'esitez pas \`a nous contacter. Vous pouvez voir nos contacts ci-dessous.
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
\finalpage{Merci pour avoir utilis\'e ce mod\`ele}