% #############################################################################
% This is the MAIN DOCUMENT of the Thesis MSc TEMPLATE.
% The content for the Thesis MSc is to be written in separate documents
% located in the folder ./Chapters
% Aknowledgments.tex
% Abstract.tex
% KeyWords.tex
% Resumo.tex
% PalavrasChave.tex
% Acronyms.tex
% Front_Cover.tex
% Chapter_1.tex ....Chapter_2 .....
% ApendixA.tex ... ApendixB.tex...
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% The class "istulthesis" is based on the standard LaTeX 'report' class.
% It can be used for Instituto Superior Tecnico thesis, as it follows the
% regulations published by the Scientific Council of IST.
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% IST requires the thesis to be written in Arial or similar.
% Two arguments in '\documentclass' allow you to define the thesis font:
% 'Helvetica' and 'AvantGarde', which transforms
% the default LaTeX font into Helvetica or AvantGarde, respectively.
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% The document is automatically set for english or portuguese by just selecting
% the MAIN LANGUAGE in file 'Thesis-MSc-Preamble_commands.tex'
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% Thesis-MSc
% Version 4.1, January 2023
% BY: Prof. Rui Santos Cruz, rui.s.cruz@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
% #############################################################################
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% The Preamble document contains all the necessary Packages for typesetting
% Modify it to suit your needs
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% Print Titlepage (Cover)
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% Lists of Contents
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% List of Figures
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% List of Tables
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% % List of Symbols
% Terms defined in file: /Chapters/Thesis-MSc-Glossary.tex
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% List of Algorithms
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% Requires packages algorithmic, algorithm
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% Listings
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% % List of acronyms
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% Glossary
% Terms defined in file: /Chapters/Thesis-MSc-Glossary.tex
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% This a suggestion for the Content of the Document
% Add more Chapters by duplicating a Chapter Block, pointing to the file
%Chapter 1
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%Chapter 2
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%Chapter 3
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%Chapter 4
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%Chapter 5
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%Chapter 6
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% Add the Bibliography to the PDF table of contents (not the document table of contents)
% The bibliography style sheet
% Chose your preferences on the format of the entries and the Labels:
% IEEEtran: Used in general (recommended for IST Thesis)
% Entries are labelled and sorted by appearance in the document
% Labels are Numeric inside square brackets
% Apalike: Entries formatted alphabetically, last name first, with identation
% Labels with Autor's Name and Year inside square brackets
% Alpha: Entries formatted with Autor's Name and Year, hanging identation
% Labels with Autor's abbr. Names and Year inside square brackets
% Acm: Entries formatted with Autor's Name (small Caps), hanging identation
% Labels are Numeric inside square brackets
% The following command resets the 'emphasis' style for bibliography entries
% Name of your BiBTeX file
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%% First Appendix
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%% Second Appendix
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% And this is THE END of the IST Thesis Document