\title{\vspace{-1.72cm}\centering \bfseries \fontsize{12}{14}\selectfont PAPER TITLE}
\author[1]{Given Name Surname}
\author[2]{Given Name Surname}
\affil[1]{Dept. name of organization (of Aff.), Name of organization (of Aff.), City, Country, email address}
\affil[2]{Dept. name of organization (of Aff.), Name of organization (of Aff.), City, Country, email address}
\date{} % To remove the data info. Let this line.
\vspace{-1.27cm} % Do not change thia
This document serves as a template and provides instructions for using \LaTeX. It, along with the ISESettings file, defines the components of your paper, including the title, main text, section headings, and more. The abstract should be wrotten in this \textbackslash customabstract environment and it must be concise, consisting of 100 to 150 words, and should provide an overview of the theoretical perspective, empirical domain, and key contributions of the paper. Please avoid using symbols, special characters, footnotes, or mathematical equations in the paper title or abstract
\\ %%% Do not change
\newline %%% Do not change
\textbf{Keywords:} Provide up to five (5) keywords in alphabetical order, separated by comma. Start each term with a capital letter, e.g: Template, International.
This document is a model and instructions for \LaTeX. Please observe the conference 5-page limits.
\section*{Ease of Use}
\subsection{Maintaining the Integrity of the Specifications}
The ISESettings tex file is utilized to format your paper and establish the text's style. It provides specific guidelines for margins, column widths, line spacing, and font usage, which should not be modified.
\section*{General Instructions}
Use the command \textbackslash setcounter\{subsection\}\{0\} to restart the counting of \textbackslash subsection within each section.
\setcounter{subsection}{0} % Restart the count
\subsection{Abbreviations and Acronyms}
Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text, even after they have been defined in the abstract. Avoid using abbreviations in section titles.
\item Use SI as primary units.
\item Do not mix complete spellings and abbreviations of units: ``Wb/m\textsuperscript{2}'' or “webers per square meter”, not ``webers/m\textsuperscript{2}''.
\item Use a zero before decimal points: ``0.25'', not ``.25''.
\par Please ensure that your equation is typed using either the Times New Roman or Symbol font (please avoid using any other font). For equations with multiple levels, you may need to treat them as graphics and insert them into the text after your paper is formatted.
\par Number your equations consecutively. Equation numbers should be enclosed in parentheses and aligned flush right, such as ``Eq.~\eqref{eq:1}'', using a right tab stop. To reduce the size of your equations, you may use the solidus (~/~), the exp function, or appropriate exponents. Italicize Roman symbols representing quantities and variables, but not Greek symbols. Use a long dash instead of a hyphen for a minus sign. Punctuate equations with commas or periods when they are part of a sentence, as shown:
a + b = \gamma
\par Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before or immediately following the equation.
\subsection{Figures and Tables}
\subsubsection{Positioning Figures and Tables:}
Figure captions should be below the figures; table headings should appear above the tables. Insert figures and tables after they have been cited in the text. Use the abbreviation ``Fig.~\ref{fig}'' for Figures and ``Table~\ref{table}'' for Tables.
\caption{This is a table heading above the table.}
\textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} \\
Data 1 & Data 2 \\
Data 3 & Data 4 \\
\caption{This is a figure caption below the figure.}
\par When writing labels for Figure axes, use descriptive words instead of symbols or abbreviations to ensure clarity for the reader. If units are included in the label, place them within parentheses. Avoid labeling axes solely with units, and refrain from using a ratio of quantities and units as labels. For instance, write "Temperature (K)" instead of "Temperature/K".
Number footnotes separately in superscripts. Place the actual footnote at the bottom of the page in which it was cited. Do not put footnotes in the abstract or reference list \footnote{This is the footnote text.}.
\subsection{References and citations:}
Insert your references in the bib references file. Citations and references should follow the IEEE standard. Please number citations as the following example \cite{article1}.
This space should be used to write your acknowledgment.