12pt, % Default font size, values between 10pt-12pt are allowed
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\title{My Assignment \texttt{\#}1} % Assignment title
\author{My Name} % Student name
\roll{My Roll} % Class roll
\class{My Class} % Class
\session{My Session} % Session
\date{Today} % Due date
\institute{Department of Physics} % Institute or school name
\course{Course Name} % Course or course name
\professor{Teacher Name} % Professor or teacher in charge of the assignment
%\renewcommand{\thesection}{} % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/30202/114006
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\section{Problem 1 Name~\cite{book:zettili}}
\section{Problem 2 Name~\cite{book:zettili}}
\caption{ \lipsum[5][2]\cite{book:griffiths}}
\centering \lipsum[6][3]
\blindtext \cite{book:balakrishnan}
\phantomsection %
\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc, title={References}]