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\newcommand{\doctitle}{Programming Assignment I}
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\centering \vhEntry{1.0}{Feb 09, 2022}{S.R.}{Initial handout.}
\centering \vhEntry{1.1}{Feb 16, 2022}{S.R.}{Added the main character section.}
\centering \vhEntry{2.0}{Feb 19, 2022}{S.R.}{Modified and added new requirements in all sections.}
\vskip .3in
\section{Learning Objectives}
\noindent 3D game design, HUD and in-game UI, working with multiple scenes, physics, Unity scripting with C\#, collision detection, using prefabs \& 3D arts, sound and visual effects as well as 3D animation, humanoid character and animation rigging.
\section{Notes and Constraints}
\begin{bclogo}[couleur=gray!15, arrondi=0.1, logo=\bccrayon, ombre=true]{Note the following:}
This is a thing to consider. \\
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam lobortis facilisis sem. Nullam nec mi et neque pharetra sollicitudin. Praesent imperdiet mi nec ante
\item This assignment must be done individually.
\item Do not plagiarize.
\item Do not do this.
\item Do not do this.
\item Do not do that.
\section{Required Software and Tools }
% \item[\color{darkblue}\faCoffee] Java 7 or 8 (32 or 64 bits)
\item[\color{darkblue}\faLaptopCode] \textbf{Operating system:} \faWindows {} Windows 10, \faLinux {} Linux, \textcolor{vanierred}{\textbf{or}} \faApple {} macOS
\item[\color{darkblue}\faCode] \textbf{IDE \& Game Engine:} \faUnity Unity \textcolor{vanierred}{2020.3 (LTS)} \textcolor{darkblue}{\&} Visual Studio \textcolor{vanierred}{2019} (Community Edition)
\item [{\color{darkblue}\faChrome}] Web Browser: Google Chrome.
\item[{\color{darkblue} \faWpforms}] Markdown for writing documentation.
\item[{\color{darkblue} \faGitSquare}] Distributed version control system.
\item[{\color{darkblue} \faBitbucket}] Bitbucket: a web-based version control repository hosting service.
\item[{\color{darkblue} \faTrello}] Trello: a Web-based project management system.
A storage medium (a USB flash memory or any online free storage service such as GDrive or OneDrive) for storing and backing up your files.
\section{Problem Statement}
\noindent In this assignment, you are required to design and implement...\\
\noindent \blindtext
\noindent Additional details and requirements are provided in the following sections.
\noindent You must be heedful of the requirements stated in the following sections.
\subsection{User Interfaces \& Game Menu}
\noindent Your HUD, main menu and in-game panels (or other UI controls) must be implemented using the \href{https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.ugui@1.0/manual/index.html}{Unity UI toolkit}.
\noindent You must implement an in-game HUD that fulfills the following requirements:
\item Requirement 1.
\item Requirement 2.
\item Requirement 3.
\item Requirement 4.
\item etc...
\noindent {\color{rltblue}\large\bfseries\faBook} \space \textbf{Additional Resources}:
\item Resource 1.
\item Resource 2.
\item Resource 3.
\item Resource 4.
\subsubsection{Main Menu \& Player Feedback}
\item Implement this...
\item Implement this...
\item And implement that...
\subsection{Game Deployment}
You are required to publish your game implementation to...
\subsection{Game Implementation Requirements}
Your game implementation must include the usage of:
\item 3D scenes.
\item This requirement.
\item And that requirement.
\item Scripting:
\item Main character control, animation and movement
\item Collision detection
\item Animations: mainly for the main character.
\item Different visual effects (VFX), etc...
\section{Evaluation Criteria}
\noindent Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:\\
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5} % this reduces the vertical spacing between rows
\thead{\color{darkblue} Criteria} |& \thead{\color{darkblue}Mark} \\
Game world design. & 5\% \\
Good programming and logging practices. & 2\% \\
Relevance and accuracy of the source code documentation as instructed. & 3\% \\
Correctness and functionality of the implementation. & 60\% \\
Compliance of the implementation with the stated requirements. & 15\% \\
Programming style, etc... & 5\% \\
Overall comprehension of the submitted source code. & 10\% \\
\textbf{Total} & \textbf{100\%} \\
\section{What to Submit}
\noindent You must submit: 1) a PDF containing a list of references as instructed above; and 2) your Unity project.
\item Remove the \textit{\color{violet}{Library, Temp and Builds folders}} from your Unity project.
\item Create a folder and place in it your references document and your Unity project.
\item Compress the folder you just created and upload it to LÉA.