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%\title{\vskip -10ex Background of Research}
\title{\vskip -5ex \large \textbf{Something Interesting and Exciting}}
\date{\vskip -3ex}
\author{Zhiya Zuo\\\textit{Prepared for Early-Career Scheme 21/22}}
%Thanks to the information and communication technologies (ICTs),
%Along with the increasingly specialized knowledge body,
%it is more difficult, if not impossible,
%for individuals to possess all expected skills %and abilities due to the growing task complexity and competitiveness.
%Organizations, as a result, have become increasingly relying on teams
%\footnote{While some scholars consider members of a team hold specific roles while those of a group do not, such subtle difference is of little importance in this proposal. Following previous studies~\parencite[e.g.,][]{webber2001impact,mathieu2017century,park2020understanding}, we use teams and groups interchangeably.}
%as their basic operation units~\parencite{van2016past,mathieu2019embracing}.
%Indeed, crowdsourcing contests have shown great successes across various areas. In May 2011, NASA, European Space Agency, and Royal Astronomical Society cohosted an open challenge on mapping dark matter, a great unifying problem of the universe we are living in over the past decades (Rhodes, 2011). Within a week, surprisingly, a then-PhD student, Martin O’Leary, came up with an algorithm based on his domain knowledge in glaciology that outperformed the state-of-the-art solution in astronomy.
%Martin, however, was unable to have the last laugh. The final winner was a team of two researchers from the University of California, Irvine. In fact, two out of the top three were teams, while only one attended as an individual.
\section{Related Work}
\section{Research Plan and Methodology}
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\section{Figures and Tables}
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