\fancyhead[L]{\small Generative AI for Design Design Workshop 2025}
\fancyfoot[C]{\small Extended Abstract}
{0pt}{2.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}
\normalsize\textit{Generative AI for Design Workshop 2025}
\normalsize Extended Abstract
% Paper info
\title{Title of Your Paper}
% Uncomment and update the following line upon acceptance
% \author{Author Name(s)\\ % Institution Name(s)}
%Comment the following line upon acceptance
\author{Anonymous Authors}
Your abstract text goes here. The abstract should be between 150 to 300 words and should provide a concise overview of the problem, methodology, main results, and conclusions.
This section introduces the problem, provides background information, and states the paper's objectives. Keep it brief, as this is a short paper format.
Describe your methodology here. This section should include details of the approach, techniques, and processes used in the study.
Present the results here. This section should summarize the findings without going into extensive detail, appropriate for a 2-page limit.
Conclude the paper by summarizing the findings, implications, and potential future work.