\documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style
\usepackage[left=0.4 in,top=0.4in,right=0.4 in,bottom=0.4in]{geometry} % Document margins
\name{Firstname Lastname} % Your name
% You can merge both of these into a single line, if you do not have a website.
\address{+1(123) 456-7890 \\ San Francisco, CA}
\address{\href{mailto:contact@faangpath.com}{contact@faangpath.com} \\ \href{https://linkedin.com/company/faangpath}{linkedin.com/company/faangpath} \\ \href{www.faangpath.com}{www.faangpath.com}} %
{Software Engineer with 2+ years of experience in XXX, seeking full-time XXX roles.}
{\bf Master of Computer Science}, Stanford University \hfill {Expected 2020}\\
Relevant Coursework: A, B, C, and D.
{\bf Bachelor of Computer Science}, Stanford University \hfill {2014 - 2017}
%Minor in Linguistics \smallskip \\
%Member of Eta Kappa Nu \\
%Member of Upsilon Pi Epsilon \\
\begin{tabular}{ @{} >{\bfseries}l @{\hspace{6ex}} l }
Technical Skills & A, B, C, D
Soft Skills & A, B, C, D\\
XYZ & A, B, C, D\\
\textbf{Role Name} \hfill Jan 2017 - Jan 2019\\
Company Name \hfill \textit{San Francisco, CA}
\itemsep -3pt {}
\item Achieved X\% growth for XYZ using A, B, and C skills.
\item Led XYZ which led to X\% of improvement in ABC
\item Developed XYZ that did A, B, and C using X, Y, and Z.
\textbf{Role Name} \hfill Jan 2017 - Jan 2019\\
Company Name \hfill \textit{San Francisco, CA}
\itemsep -3pt {}
\item Achieved X\% growth for XYZ using A, B, and C skills.
\item Led XYZ which led to X\% of improvement in ABC
\item Developed XYZ that did A, B, and C using X, Y, and Z.
\item \textbf{Hiring Search Tool.} {Built a tool to search for Hiring Managers and Recruiters by using ReactJS, NodeJS, Firebase and boolean queries. Over 25000 people have used it so far, with 5000+ queries being saved and shared, and search results even better than LinkedIn! \href{https://hiring-search.careerflow.ai/}{(Try it here)}}
\item \textbf{Short Project Title.} {Build a project that does something and had quantified success using A, B, and C. This project's description spans two lines and also won an award.}
\item \textbf{Short Project Title.} {Build a project that does something and had quantified success using A, B, and C. This project's description spans two lines and also won an award.}
\begin{rSection}{Extra-Curricular Activities}
\item Actively write \href{https://www.faangpath.com/blog/}{blog posts} and social media posts (\href{https://www.tiktok.com/@faangpath}{TikTok}, \href{https://www.instagram.com/faangpath/?hl=en}{Instagram}) viewed by over 20K+ job seekers per week to help people with best practices to land their dream jobs.
\item Sample bullet point.
\item Admin for the \href{https://discord.com/invite/WWbjEaZ}{FAANGPath Discord community} with over 6000+ job seekers and industry mentors. Actively involved in facilitating online events, career conversations, and more alongside other admins and a team of volunteer moderators!