\title{\bf EUSFLAT 2019 Prague: Instructions for Authors}
\author{{\bf Author$^a$} and {\bf Author$^b$} and {\bf Author$^{b,c}$}\\
$^a$Department, Faculty, University, Address, e-mail \\ $^b$Department, Faculty, University, Address, e-mail \\
$^c$Department, Faculty, University, Address, e-mail}
The abstract must be indented 0.7 cm both on left as well as right-hand
{\bf Keywords:} Start with capital, Use comma, At least three
\section{General formatting instructions}
Submitted full papers are to be supposed to be of at least 4 pages
length. The authors should submit their papers electronically,
written in English, due to the given deadline, through a web upload
procedure available, see ({\tt www.eusflat2019.cz}).
The only allowed format for the submission is PDF.
Submitted papers must be written on two columns with an overall width of 16 cm
(7.6 cm each column and 0.8 cm of space between columns). Left and upper
margins should be of 2.5 cm, and the length of the text of 24 cm. The normal
text should be in Times 10 points. The pages must not be numbered. Paper title
is centered. Authors' names are centered too.
\LaTeXe{} style and example files are available in the Conference
web page.
\section{Footnotes and Citations}
Footnotes must be numbered\footnote{Example of footnote.}, and placed at the
bottom of the column where they appear.
Citations must include the reference number between brackets, for
example, one citation \cite{Zadeh75} or two citations
\cite{Zadeh75b,Zadeh75c}. All three cited references are articles,
see below. In order to see the format of different types, e.g. books
articles in collections (edited books)
\cite{BandlerKohout80b,NavaraPetrik_EUSFLAT07}, articles in
conference proceedings \cite{DuboisNakata_IFSA97}, or Ph.D. thesis
\cite{EsterPhD}, see the references below. References must be sorted
by the author's name. Use the attached BST style file
eusflat2019.bst for the correct appearance of your references.
\section{Figures and Tables}
All figures must be centered like Figure~\ref{figure1}. The number and caption
of the figure must always appear below the figure.
\caption{\label{figure1}Example of figure title}
All tables must be centered and clear. The number and title always
appear below the table (See Table \ref{table}).
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline
{\bf NAME} & {\bf AGE} \\\hline
John Smith & 35\\
George Brown & 21 \\ \hline
\caption{\label{table}Caption of the table goes here.}
The word ``acknowledgement'' must be aligned to the left, not numbered and
% For manual entries if no bib file database is used
% In such case, be careful in meeting the same format.