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\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsfonts, bm}
% narrow caption margins
%% section headers
\columnsep 1cm
%Item spacing in lists, related to enumitem package. See individual lists.
% Sort out linespacing with references
\newlength{\bibitemsep}\setlength{\bibitemsep}{.2\baselineskip plus .05\baselineskip minus .05\baselineskip}
%%Page layout definitions
\fancypagestyle{firstpage} %%Title page
\fancyhead[C]{ \includegraphics[height=2.5cm]{Logo-BNAM2022_tilrettet.png}}
\fancypagestyle{allotherpages} %% All other pages
\vspace*{0.65cm} % make space for the logo
%% Title
%The title: the first letter of the first word in the title should be capitalized) \\
Paper template for Euroregio BNAM 2022, \LaTeX~ version
%%Authors and affiliations
%% Comma separated list of authors with numbers indicating affiliation,
%% the corresponding author is indicated with the *.
Jonny Researchñer$^{1,*}$, Jimmy Developer$^{2}$
$^1$Department of Noise, Research Institute, Somecity, Somecountry.
$^2$Research \& Development, Industry Inc., Thatcity, Thatcountry.
%% Abstract.
% leave an empty line before and after the abstract text
A maximum of 1000 characters should be used for the abstract, without including any equations, references or special characters. The abstract should give a clear description of the contents of the proposed work. The abstract should not continue on the second page.
\textbf{Keywords}: instructions, format, rules, recommendations, maximum of 5.
% Article text starts here.
This document defines the template to be used in manuscript preparation for the Conference Euroregio BNAM 2022.
\subsection{Submission and publication}
All papers should be submitted using the conference website, \href{https://bnam2022.org}{https://bnam2022.org}. Final papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
\subsection{General format}
The manuscript should be formatted according to this template, with the following specifications:
\item The manuscript should be submitted in English.
\item The manuscript should be submitted as a PDF file.
\item The font size and type of the manuscript should be 11-point "Times New Roman".
\item The page size shall be standard A4 (210 mm wide and 297 mm high).
\item Margins shall be 2~cm on each side, while 3~cm on the top and the bottom of the page.
\item The length of a manuscript should not exceed 10 pages, nor 10 MB.
\item The manuscript will have to be re-submitted, if peer-review suggests changes.
\section{Citing references}
In the text, references should be cited using numbers between square brackets~\cite{roe2011restorative}, in the order they appear in the text. Multiple references can also be made also be made using a single pair of square brackets, as in the following citation~\cite{Munzel2018,Abraham2021}.
\section{Tables and Figures}
Tables and figures should be centered, numbered consecutively, and a caption should be always included. For tables the caption should be placed above, and for figures below. All figures and tables should be referred to from the text. See, for example, Table~\ref{Tab1} that shows a simple table and Figure~\ref{Fig1} that shows hearing threshold levels. Note that for long captions with more than one line the text should use the "Justify" alignment. If the caption is less that one line, then it should be center aligned.
\caption{Pure tone thresholds, Caption rules are the same as for Tables.}
\caption{This is an example of a small table. Numbers are centered in the columns. The table caption has an extra margin of 30pt. on each side. If there is less that one line of caption then the text should be centered, if there are more than one line (as in this example), the caption should use “Justify” alignment. You can use the "." column indicator to align numerical values at the decimal point.}
\hline\hline %inserts double horizontal lines
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{A}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{B}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{C}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{D}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{E}} \\ [0.5ex] % inserts table%heading
\hline % inserts single horizontal line
3.5 & 7.0 & 10.5 & 14.0 & 17.5 \\
7.0 & 10.5 & 14.0 & 17.5 & 3.5 \\
10.5 & 14.0 & 17.5 & 3.5 & 7.0 \\
14.0 & 17.5 & 3.5 & 7.0 & 10.5 \\
17.5 & 3.5 & 7.0 & 10.5 & 14.0 \\ [1ex] % [1ex] adds vertical space
\hline %inserts single line
Equations shall be centered and identified by a number, as the following:
\lim_{n\rightarrow a}\left[\frac{1}{(x-a)^2}\right]
Refer to equations as to Equation~(\ref{Eq1}) or simply (\ref{Eq1}). The use of the SI (System International) units is strongly recommended, and mixed units are to be avoided.
At least one of the authors should register in the conference and pay the registration fees. Otherwise, the paper will not be published in the conference Proceedings.
Acknowledgements to persons or institutions should be placed in this section.