Environmental studies
Kumar Pandule
Last Updated:
6 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

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\title{PART A-Plan}
\author{Micro-Project Proposal}
\date{Title:-Effect of radiofrequency radiation on reproductive health.}
\section*{Introduction}% Unnumbered section
\large{The roncy radiation (RFR) is a component of electromagnetic energy covering the frequency range of 3 KHz-300 GHz. Cellular phones were introduced during the 1990s, and today there are more than millions of cell phone users in the country. The explosive expansion of cell phone system has greatly enhanced the level and magnitude of RFR exposure. There is potential exposure in the surrounding areas of the fixed broadcast facilities situated in residential areas, schools, etc. With the increased use of cell phones, the levels of radiations and exposure of the population have consequently amplified drastically.
RFR is of short term and repeated nature at a comparatively high intensity when emitted from cell phones, whereas RFR of cell phone base stations is of long duration but with a very low intensity. The biological effects of low-frequency (<100 Hz) radiations are well recognized and reported to cause adverse effect on health via either thermal or non-thermal effect. Thermal effects occur due to holding cell phones near to the body, whereas non-thermal effects are from both cell phones and cell phone base station.
RFRs have adequate energy to create thermal effect in living cells and tissues. RFR may be absorbed at the molecular level producing an alteration of dielectric properties of molecules . Molecular dielectric properties are responsible for the magnitude of heat. Therefore, electromagnetic field (EMF) can generate heat. A thermal response can be altering many biochemical and physiological pathways in living organisms. It has been reported that a specific absorption rate (SAR) of more than 4 W/kg may enhance temperature around 1°C, under moderate condition, and the SAR of RFR is a time-dependent factor.
\section{ Aim of the Micro-Project} % Numbered section
Micro-Project aims At
\newline 1. To Study about the Radiofrequency radiation .
\newline 2. To Study the Actual Effects of Radiofriquencys on health.
\newline 3. To Study how to maintain Radiofrequencys in our environment.
\section{ Intended Course Outcomes}
\newline 1.Develop Public awareness about environment.
\newline 2.Select alternative energy resources for Engineering Practices.
\newline 3.Conserve Ecosystem and Biodiversity.
\newline 4.Apply techniques to reduce Environmental Pollution.
\newline 5.Manage social issues and Environmental Ethics as lifelong learning.
\section{Proposed Methodology}
High frequency radiation exists in free space around us from an increasing number of sources
and cover a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum. By for the most important and
rapidly expanding source is the mobile phone base stations. Fortunately, the radiated power
densities around these base stations are below the standard limits set by the different world
It is important to take care in the design of new base stations to meet the
guidelines set for the antennas and their mounting so that the minimum required distance can
be observed for the public access. New trends in the design of such antennas such as the
smart antenna concept, can be applied in order to further reduce the radiation power levels.
\section{ Action plan}
\begin{tabular}{|p{0.4in}|p{1.6in}|p{0.8in}|p{0.8in}|p{1.9in}|} \hline
\textbf{Sr.No} & \textbf{Details of activity} & \textbf{Planned starts date} & \textbf{Planned finish date} & \textbf{Name of responsible\newline Team members} \\ \hline
1 & Formation of project group & 28/12/2018 & 04/01/2019 & Kumar Pandule \\ \hline
2 & Allocation of project title by subject teacher & 04/01/2019 & 11/01/2019 & \\ \hline
3 & Conduct the information search about the project for requirement analysis of the project & 11/01/2019 & 18/01/2019 & Dnyaneshwar Kadam \\ \hline
4 & Actual projector assembling work & 18/01/2019 & 01/02/2019 & \\ \hline
5 & Testing calibration and prototype development & 08/02/2019 & 15/02/2019 & Rahul Thorat \\ \hline
6 & Report preparation & 22/02/2019 & 01/03/2019 & \\ \hline
7 & Submission of project & 08/03/2019 & 15/03/2019 & \\ \hline
\section{ Resource Required}
\begin{tabular}{|p{0.4in}|p{1.6in}|p{1.8in}|p{1.9in}|} \hline
\textbf{Sr.No} & \textbf{Instruments} & \textbf{Specifications} & \textbf{Quantity} \\ \hline
1 & Desktop PC & I5, Windows 10 OS & - \\ \hline
2 & Softwares & Overleaf online Software & - \\ \hline
3 & Reference & keynote5dawoud.pdf & - \\ \hline
\section{ Name of team members}
\begin{tabular}{|p{0.4in}|p{1.6in}|p{1.6in}|p{2.1in}|} \hline
\textbf{Sr. No} & \textbf{Name of team member} & \textbf{Roll no.} & \textbf{Enrollment no.} \\ \hline
1 & Kumar Pandule & 18CO256 & 1810510016 \\ \hline
\textbf{2} & Dnyneshvar Kadam & 18CO260 & 1810510020 \\ \hline
3 & Rahul Thorat & 18CO262 & 1810510018 \\ \hline