% Abstract template for Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics 2024
% https://ckg.ethz.ch/DSFD2024.html
\usepackage[left=25mm, right=25mm, top=15mm, bottom=20mm, noheadfoot]{geometry}
\usepackage{eso-pic, rotating, graphicx}
\AddToShipoutPicture{\put(30,200){\rotatebox{90}{\scalebox{1}{ \href{https://ckg.ethz.ch/DSFD2024.html}{For the 33rd Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics (DSFD) Conference, 2024.} }}}}
% Please change the following abstract title and author description.
\title{Abstract title goes here}
\underline{Presenting Author}$^{1*}$, Author 2$^{1}$, Author 3$^{2}$ \\
$^{1}$ Affiliation of Presenting Author \\
email.address@presenting.author \\
$^{2}$ Affiliation of Second Author
% Please do not modify following lines
\noindent \textbf{Key words:}
% List your keywords here:
First keyword;
Second keyword;
third keyword
{% indicate the classification of abstract, e.g. 14 AI for LBM
01 Lattice Boltzmann Method
\textbf{Area of application}
{% indicate the classification of abstract, e.g. 14 AI for LBM
C Multiphase Flows and non-ideal Fluids
% Beginning of your abstract
Please write your abstract text here (less than 400 words). Please ensure
that, when compiled, the abstract, figure, and any references fit on
one page.
You can cite articles or books such as \cite{ref1} or \cite{ref2}.
You may also include figure and refer to it: Figure~\ref{fig}.
\caption{The figure caption goes here.}
You can type equations like this,
and you can refer to it like so : equation~\eqref{eqn}.
% End of your abstract
% Please add references below.
\bibitem{ref1} Last Name, F.N., \textit{Title of Article}, Journal Name, \textbf{1}, 123-456, 2015.
\bibitem{ref2} Author, A.A., Another Author, B., \textit{Title of Book}, Publisher, 2012.