% !TeX program = xelatex
% Run with XeLaTeX
changecolor={111, 156, 45},
% titlecolor=second,
% colorharmony={wheel,1,3},
% Available options for cv-roald documentclass:
% - changecolor = {R, G, B} (default: {169, 53, 40} = sharelatex lion red)
% Changes the color of the header bar and the titles.
% It expects a RGB color code where RGB go from 0-255.
% - colorharmony = {wheel,i,j} (defualt: {wheel,1,3})
% Choose the color harmony model you want to use.
% wheel = wheel or twheel
% i = number < j
% j = for j-color harmony
% j=3 -> three color harmony or color triad
% See page 37 of the xcolor manual for more information on commands:
% http://texdoc.net/texmf-dist/doc/latex/xcolor/xcolor.pdf
% Or check http://paletton.com to see how color harmonies work.
% - titlecolor = {colorname} (default: main)
% Change the colors of the titles. You can try: second, black!50,
% green!40!yellow, etc.
% The colors defined through changecolor and colorharmony are called
% *main* and *second* and can be used in the main document.
\pagestyle{empty} %to remove the page numbers
% This is the header on the first page. It contains your name and contact
% details.
% \sep inserts a | between items.
% You can use FontAwesome icons and use \FAspace after a font awesome icon to
% insert a predefined horizontal space after a font awesome icon icon.
\faMapMarker \FAspace Street 123 \sep 1234 AB City \sep Country}{%
\faMobile \FAspace +31 612 345 678 \sep%
\faEnvelope \FAspace johndoe@gmail.com \sep%
\faLinkedinSquare /in/johndoe \sep%
\faGithub /johndoe %
% Add a picture to the top right of the page. Comment or delete if you do not
% want a picture
\textit{Fancy quote here or a short description of you.}
% Use tabularcv environment to make a two column environment. The left column
% is for the dates, the right one is for details of your education for example.
% You can use the command \worktitle{Study name/Job title}{Location}.
2012-2016 & \worktitle{Master Physics}{University of City (NL)}
\newline Did awesome physics things.
\item I did this
\item Learned that
\item Also did that
2010-2012 & \worktitle{Bachelor Physics}{University of City (NL)}
\newline Thesis title: Confined particle systems in
2013-2016 & \worktitle{R\&D engineer}{Company 123 (NL)}
\newline Project management and designing of bridge
% Example use of *maincolor* and *secondcolor* in the main document.
\item Managing projects
\item Measuring
\item Proof of concept realisation
2012-2013 & \worktitle{Software engineer}{Software United (NL)}
\newline Programming in Python and C++.
% Use \link{URL} to place an link. It inserts a fontawsome logo, where the color is determined from the color harmony settings.
2010 & Winner of \emph{Turing} contest in Lancaster
($\pm$ 431 contenders). \link{http://someurl.com/}
\section*{software skills}
Python, C++, Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop.
Operating systems: Windows, OSX, Linux.
Dutch & Mother tongue \\
English & Excellent, C2 \\
German & Intermediate, B2 \\
Swahili & Intermediate, B1
Bowling, cats, hot food.