\documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style
\usepackage[left=0.4 in,top=0.4in,right=0.4 in,bottom=0.4in]{geometry} % Document margins
\name{Firstname Lastname} % Your name
% if you do not have a website, sub your github instead.
\address{+1(123) 456-7890 \\ San Francisco, CA}
\address{\href{mailto:youremailhere@gmail.com}{youremailhere@gmail.com} \\ \href{https://linkedin.com/in/linkedinURL}{linkedin.com/in/linkedinURL} \\ \href{www.yourwebsite.com}{www.yourwebsite.com}} %
\item \textbf{Project 1} {Language 1, Framework 1, Database, Language 2, Framework 2, DevOps Tooling, etc}
\itemsep -3pt {}
\item Created a XYZ feature to accomplish ABC.
\item Retrieved data from XYZ to for ABC.
\item Implemented XYZ library for ABC.
\item Utilized XYZ that increased A by B\%.
\item \textbf{Project 2} {Language 1, Framework 1, Database, Language 2, Framework 2, DevOps Tooling, etc}
\itemsep -3pt {}
\item Created a XYZ feature to accomplish ABC.
\item Retrieved data from XYZ to for ABC.
\item Implemented XYZ library for ABC.
\item Utilized XYZ that increased A by B\%.
\item \textbf{Project 3} {Language 1, Framework 1, Database, Language 2, Framework 2, DevOps Tooling, etc}
\itemsep -3pt {}
\item Created a XYZ feature to accomplish ABC.
\item Retrieved data from XYZ to for ABC.
\item Implemented XYZ library for ABC.
\item Utilized XYZ that increased A by B\%.
\item \textbf{Project 4} {Language 1, Framework 1, Database, Language 2, Framework 2, DevOps Tooling, etc}
\itemsep -3pt {}
\item Created a XYZ feature to accomplish ABC.
\item Retrieved data from XYZ to for ABC.
\item Implemented XYZ library for ABC.
\item Utilized XYZ that increased A by B\%.
% make sure to list your skills from most comfortable to least comfortable
% never put anything on here that you cant talk about in an interview
\begin{tabular}{ @{} >{\bfseries}l @{\hspace{6ex}} l }
Languages & Javascript, Python, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, GraphQL \\
Frameworks & React, Redux, Node.js, Express, Django, Mocha \\
Tools & Git, Docker, TravisCI, Kubernetes, AWS\\
Soft Skills & Time Management, Teamwork, Communication, Problem Solving, Leadership, Accountability
{\bf Software Development Certificate}, XY Bootcamp \hfill {Month Year} \\
{\bf BS in XYZ}, ABC University \hfill {Month Year}
% include this if you want or have extra room
\begin{rSection}{Work Experience}
\item \textbf{Job Title} {Company} \hfill Month Year - Month Year
\item \textbf{Job Title} {Company} \hfill Month Year - Month Year
\item \textbf{Job Title} {Company} \hfill Month Year - Month Year
% \begin{rSection}{Awards}
% \vspace{-1.25em}
% \item \textbf{Title} {Brief description of what award was for} \hfill Jul 2019
% \item \textbf{Title} {Brief description of what award was for} \hfill Jul 2019
% \item \textbf{Title} {Brief description of what award was for} \hfill Jul 2019
% \end{rSection}