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locfield=narrow, % Additional field for sender
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% use the following package for making link references colorfull
% you can fild list of color codes here: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Colors
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linkcolor = blue,
urlcolor = blue,
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% Put your name here:
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% Put your name here:
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% Put you address Here:
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{Apt. X\\ Y ally\\ Z Street \\ W avenue\\ City, Country}
% Put your phone number:
\setkomavar{fromphone}{+11 \,(123)\, 445-7890}
% Put you email address:
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\setkomavar{title}{\rmfamily Client Information}
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filebordercolor={1 1 0},
\begin{letter}{Visa Section \\ The Canadian Embassy \\ No. 58 \\ Cinnah Street \\ Ankara, Turkey}
\setkomavar{subject}{Applying for study permit (Canada)}
\opening{Dear Visa Officer}
SOME TEXT: \lipsum[2-3]
% put your full name, automatically changes to Cursive for signature
\textbf{\textit{{\large \cursive{Your Full Name}}}} \\ Student Visa Applicant}
\section{Study Plan}
\item \textbf{\textit{Why do you wish to study in Canada in the program for which you have been accepted?}}
\item \textbf{\textit{What is your overall educational goal? }}
\item \textbf{\textit{Why are you not pursuing a similar program in your country of residence or of citizenship?}}
\item \textbf{\textit{How will this program enhance your employment opportunities in your country of residence or citizenship?}}
\item \textbf{\textit{What ties do you have to your country of residence or of citizenship?}}
% CV
\includepdf[width=1.12\textwidth, link=true,frame,pagecommand={\section{Curriculum Vitae}}]{files/CV.pdf}
% Birth Certificate
\section{Birth Certificate}
\subsection{Birth Certificate (Official Translation)}
% National ID Card
\section{National ID Card}
\subsection{Smart National Identification Card(Official Translation)}
% Supervisors
\section{Previous and future supervisors}
\subsection{Bachelor’s Program Supervisor}
\item \textbf{Name} : Professor Full Name
\item \textbf{Title} : Full Professor
\item \textbf{Institution} : School of X ,Y University
\item \textbf{Email} : \href{mailto: x@email.com}{x@email.com}
\item \textbf{Telephone Number} : +11 12 1234-5678
\item \textbf{Web Pages} : \href{http://www.url.com }{University Profile}, \href{https://scholar.google.com/xyz}{Google Scholar}
\item \textbf{Address} : ABC Research Laboratory, School of EF, XY University, city, zip code, Country
\subsection{Master's Program Supervisor (in Canada)}
\item \textbf{Name} : Professor Full Name
\item \textbf{Title} : Full Professor
\item \textbf{Institution} : School of X ,Y University
\item \textbf{Email} : \href{mailto: x@email.com}{x@email.com}
\item \textbf{Telephone Number} : +11 12 1234-5678
\item \textbf{Web Pages} : \href{http://www.url.com }{University Profile}, \href{https://scholar.google.com/xyz}{Google Scholar}
\item \textbf{Address} : ABC Research Laboratory, School of EF, XY University, city, zip code, Country
% Post-Secondary Education Documents
\section{Post-Secondary Education Documents}
\subsection{Provisional Certificate for completion of studies (Official Translation)}
\subsection{Provisional Certificate for completion of studies}
\subsection{ Transcript of Bachelor’s Degree (Official Translation)}
\subsection{ Transcript of Bachelor’s Degree (Original Document)}
% English Profecciency results
\section{IELTS/TOEFL Test Results}
% Clearance
\section{Police clearance Certificate}
\subsection{Police clearance Certificate(Official Translation)}
% Tie Documets
\section{Tie documents}
\subsection{My Mother's Birth Certificate(Official Translation)}
\subsection{My Father's Birth Certificate(Official Translation)}
\subsection{Title Deed owned by my mother(Official Translate)}
% adding some comments