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\title[Caltech Tradition \& Pranks]
{\bfseries{Caltech student traditions and pranks}}
\subtitle{A brief overview}
\author[Mischief \& Managed]
{Mischief\inst{1} \and Managed\inst{2}}
Department of Student Traditions\\
California Institute of Technology
Department of Student Pranks\\
California Institute of Technology
\date[ICUP, 2014]
{International Conference on University Pranks\\April 1st, 2014}
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\frametitle{Table of Contents}
\frame{\titlepage} % Creates title page
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\frametitle{Table of Contents}
\section{Caltech student traditions}
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\frametitle{Millikan pumpkin-drop experiment}
Every Halloween, Dabney House conducts the infamous ``Millikan pumpkin-drop experiment'' from the top of Millikan Library, the highest point on campus.
\item<1-> A claim was once made that the shattering of a pumpkin frozen in liquid nitrogen and dropped from a sufficient height would produce a triboluminescent spark.
\item<2-> This yearly event involves a crowd of observers, who try to spot the elusive spark.
\item<3-> The title of the event is an oblique reference to the famous Millikan oil-drop experiment which measured $e$, the elemental unit of electrical charge.
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\section{Caltech student pranks}
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\frametitle{Caltech student pranks}
This is a brief introduction of \alert{Caltech pranks}.
Prank: a practical joke or mischievous act
Caltech pranks are a key part of the institute's history and identity.
See the next slide for a prank example.
%Two columns
\frametitle{Hollywood sign}
\caption{``Hollywood is still mad about that,'' says Autumn Looijen, author of \emph{Legends of Caltech III: Techer In the Dark.} \tiny{(Photo downloaded from: http://brennen.caltech.edu/autobiography/automaster2.htm)}}
In May 1987, undergraduates from Page and Ricketts houses combined forces (and several hundred dollars) to purchase enough black and white plastic, transformed the Hollywood sign to read ``Caltech''.
\small{(Reference: http://www.admissions.caltech.edu/pranks)}