% Resume in Latex
% Based off of: https://github.com/sb2nov/resume
% and Jake Gutierrez's version of it
% at https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/jakes-resume/syzfjbzwjncs
% inspired by https://practicaltypography.com/resumes.html
% License : MIT
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+65 1234 5678
{Nanyang Technological University}{Singapore}
{B. Eng. Hons Materials Engineering}{Aug. 2017 -- May 2021}
\resumeItem{Nanyang Scholarship, 4.63/5.0}
\section{Coding Projects}
{\href{https://github.com/hkrsmk/beepboop-shopee-code-league-2020}{\myuline{\textbf{Shopee Code League}}} $|$ \textit{Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Google Cloud Platform}}{June -- Aug 2020}
\resumeItem{Set up data pipeline: Kaggle > cloud storage > Google Colab Notebooks\\for faster analysis}
\resumeItem{Set up github repository for team}
{Analyst}{May 2020 -- Present}
{ALLFED - Alliance to Feed the Earth in Disasters}{Remote, part-time}
\resumeItem{Final year project}
\resumeItem{Research on global catastrophic risks and how they affect industry}
\resumeItem{Aim to answer this question: If all of our electricity grids shut down for 5 years or more, how can we preserve industry and infrastructure such that we can resume industry as quickly as possible?}
{Research Associate}{Feb -- Mar 2020}
{DouxMatok}{Petach Tikva, Israel}
\resumeItem{Synthesised sugars with new additives using vacuum mixers}
\resumeItem{Proposed new research protocol to test food products}
\resumeItem{Prepared rheology calibration curves}
{Research Assistant}{Jul 2019 -- Jan 2020}
{Cuberg Inc.}{Emeryville, CA, USA}
\resumeItem{Worked in the glovebox: built 412 coin cells, synthesised 125 electrolytes}
\resumeItem{Created and upgraded three critical tools in Google sheets and Jupyter notebooks for better data analysis, which automated previously-manual processes}
\resumeItem{Built battery testing equipment (software and hardware)}
\resumeItem{Conducted a human subject study to determine which video game dungeon generation technique is enjoyable}
\resumeItem{Wrote an 8-page paper and gave multiple presentations on-campus}
\resumeItem{Presented virtually to the World Conference on Computational Intelligence}
% \iftrue
% -----------Multiple Positions Heading-----------
{Software Engineer I}{Oct 2014 - Sep 2016}
\resumeItem{Apache Beam}
{Apache Beam is a unified model for defining both batch and streaming data-parallel processing pipelines}
{ESG Data Analyst}{May -- Aug 2018}
{Schneider Electric}{Singapore}
\resumeItem{Optimised usage of in-house energy monitoring software and reaped energy savings of \$1,545 per month}
\resumeItem{Created 12 other mini-deliverables; 10 were self-initiated. These include databases, guides, and reports, along with internal learning materials for EcoStruxure, Schneider Electric’s main product offer}
\resumeItem{Founded the Singapore branch’s Green Committee}
\resumeItem{Organised Global Environment Day activities for the staff}
% \iftrue
{Consultant}{Feb 2017}
{National Environment Agency}{Singapore}
\resumeItem{Reviewed 4 candidate topics for R\&D funding: found current research grants and current environment technology}
{Innovation Consultant}{Dec 2016}
{Land Transport Authority}{Singapore}
\resumeItem{Proposed folding seat solution increases train capacity by 13\%}
\resumeItem{Achieved best presentation award (out of 9 pairs of people)}
\section{Research (papers linked)}
{\href{https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mmfRboc6VkFRZTedy0Wzz4gklM4_84w3}{\myuline{Rechargeable aqueous zinc batteries}}}{Aug 2018 -- Jun 2019}
{with Prof Srinivasian Madhavi}{NTU, Singapore}
\resumeItem{Synthesised electrolytes, ran CVs \& three-electrode tests}
\resumeItem{Published results in URECA (undergrad research) proceedings}
{\href{https://drive.google.com/open?id=1U78X1NCEEXN3O1o8Wnd_czyM6F7XEFJh}{\myuline{Lithium ion battery anodes}}}{Dec 2017 -- May 2018}
{with Prof Srinivasian Madhavi}{NTU, Singapore}
\resumeItem{Synthesised battery slurries}
\resumeItem{Learned various techniques: XRD analysis, cyclic voltammetry, thermogravimetric analysis, hydrothermal synthesis, data analysis}
\resumeItem{Published paper in ChemElectroChem (third author)}
\item DOI: 10.1002/celc.201801244
{Dye-sensitised Solar Cells}{Apr -- Jul 2017}
{with Associate Prof Soo Han Sen}{NTU, Singapore}
\resumeItem{Tested 4 experiment variables and conditions}
\resumeItem{Increased scale of synthesis by 20\%}
{Founder}{Jan 2018 -- present}
{Breathe Easy NTU/Hazy Waste}{}
\resumeItem{Won \$5,000 grant to promote sustainable palm oil in Singapore}
\resumeItem{Lead a team of 18 to \href{https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SHm7c42NkIvISBImdOo7QajR64gDjuw9/view}{\myuline{survey 237 students}} and \href{https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y2rG_mDPt50KHoXztLaMhA1Tjk7pM_7E/view?usp=sharing}{\myuline{44 canteen vendors}} for their view on palm oil, producing 2 reports on the results}
\resumeItem{Converted one canteen to sustainable palm oil; NUS followed suit}
{Operations}{Jul 2018 -- Present}
{Effective Altruism Singapore}{}
\resumeItem{Set up scalable Eventbrite ticketing platform with Zapier integration}
\resumeItem{Facilitate inaugural Arete Fellowship in Singapore for Asia}
{External Liaison Director}{Aug 2018 -- May 2019}
{Earthlink NTU}{}
\resumeItem{Lead a team of 3 to organise 3 events and run 3 booths, with total turnout of 450 across the 6}
{Assistant Head}{Jul 2018 -- Jul 2019}
{ASEAN Youth Organization}{}
\resumeItem{Organised the ASEAN Youth Conference for roughly 100 ASEAN participants in an international team of 17}
%-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS-----------
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
\textbf{Languages}{: Python, C/C++, SQL, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, R} \\
\textbf{Human Languages}{: Chinese, Japanese (JLPT N2), Shanghainese} \\
\textbf{Developer Tools}{: Jupyter Notebooks, Git, Google Cloud Platform, VS Code, Amazon AWS} \\
\textbf{Blog}{: \href{adventgineering.wordpress.com}{\myuline{adventgineering}},
% \iftrue
%-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS-----------
\section{Technical Skills}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
\textbf{Languages}{: Python, C/C++, SQL, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, R} \\
\textbf{Frameworks}{: WordPress} \\
\textbf{Developer Tools}{: Jupyter Notebooks, Git, Google Cloud Platform, VS Code, Amazon AWS} \\
\textbf{Libraries}{: pandas, plotly}