% Beamer theme tmeplate - Quito dark
% Author: Sofia Jijon (https://sjijon.github.io)
% Last Update: Sept 10, 2021
% Latest Version: https://github.com/sjijon/TeX-templates/tree/main/Beamer%20presentations/beamerthemequito-dark
\documentclass[10pt, aspectratio=169]{beamer}
\title[Short title]{This is a nice title}
\date[02.02.2020]{February 2, 2020}
\author[A. Name]{Your Name}
\institute{A Great Lab}
\setbeameroption{hide notes}
%\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=right}
% Title page
% ToC
\frame{{Table of contents}
\section{Section 1}
\subsection{Subsection 1.1}
\frame{{Section title}
{This is the frame title}
Let $A$ and $\beta$ be two premises. Then, $C$ is a conclusion.
\section{Section 2}
\subsection{Subsection 2.1}
\frame{{Section title}
{This is the frame title}
Here is a list of items:
\item<1-> This is the first item of a list
\item<2-> Then, there's a second
\item<3-|alert@3> And a third!
% References