% hidelinks,
% showindex
%This is where you put the authors and their affiliations
\author{Author 1 Name\affiliation{Author 1 Affiliation}\and Author 2 Name\affiliation{Author 2 Affiliation}\lastand Author 3 Name\affiliation{Author 3 Affiliation}}
%Insert your title here
\title{Insert Title Here}
\abstract{Here is where you write the abstract of the paper.
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\noindent This template should be in accordance to the instructions located in the \href{https://acal.linguistlist.org/annual-conference-proceedings}{ACAL Proceedings documentation}.
Abbreviations should be included in this section.
Acknowledgements must be listed here, not in a footnote in the paper.
\sloppy %this command eliminates a quirk that appears in the bibliography, you can just leave it here.
%To be added to the ACAL \LaTeX{} template, someday: glossing with leipzig, advanced instructions for arrows