% Masters/Doctoral Thesis
% LaTeX Template
% Version 2.5 (27/8/17)
% This template was downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Version 2.x major modifications by:
% Vel (vel@latextemplates.com)
% This template is based on a template by:
% Steve Gunn (http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/srg/softwaretools/document/templates/)
% Sunil Patel (http://www.sunilpatel.co.uk/thesis-template/)
% Naman Merchant (https://www.namanmerchant.com)
% Template license:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
12pt, % The default document font size, options: 10pt, 11pt, 12pt
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nolistspacing, % If the document is onehalfspacing or doublespacing, uncomment this to set spacing in lists to single
liststotoc, % Uncomment to add the list of figures/tables/etc to the table of contents
toctotoc, % Uncomment to add the main table of contents to the table of contents
parskip, % Uncomment to add space between paragraphs
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headsepline, % Uncomment to get a line under the header
%chapterinoneline, % Uncomment to place the chapter title next to the number on one line
%consistentlayout, % Uncomment to change the layout of the declaration, abstract and acknowledgements pages to match the default layout
]{MastersDoctoralThesis} % The class file specifying the document structure
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% \usepackage{subfig}
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
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% My packages
%Import the natbib package and sets a bibliography style
\hyphenation{ag-en-ts be-tw-e-en da-g-u-m mi-s-ra h-a-a-s phy-si-cs sma-l-l-er sear-ches ar-cher ma-k-es wi-d-e-ly thr-e-a-ds nishi-mura }
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\algdef{S}[FOR]{ForEach}[1]{\algorithmicforeach\ #1\ \algorithmicdo}
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\newcommand*{\urlprefix}{Available at: }
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% \DeclarePairedDelimiter\ceil{\lceil}{\rceil}
% \DeclarePairedDelimiter\floor{\lfloor}{\rfloor}
% \newcommand{\ignore}[1]{}
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%showframe, % Uncomment to show how the type block is set on the page
\thesistitle{ Thesis Title} % Your thesis title, this is used in the title and abstract, print it elsewhere with \ttitle
\supervisor{First \textsc{Supervisor}} % Your supervisor's name, this is used in the title page, print it elsewhere with \supname
\secondsupervisor{Second \textsc{Supervisor}} % Your supervisor's name, this is used in the title page, print it elsewhere with \secondsupname
\thirdsupervisor{Third \textsc{supervisor}} % Your supervisor's name, this is used in the title page, print it elsewhere with \secondsupname
\examiner{} % Your examiner's name, this is not currently used anywhere in the template, print it elsewhere with \examname
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy} % Your degree name, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \degreename
\author{Your \textsc{Name}} % Your name, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \authorname
\addresses{} % Your address, this is not currently used anywhere in the template, print it elsewhere with \addressname
\subject{Computer Science} % Your subject area, this is not currently used anywhere in the template, print it elsewhere with \subjectname
\keywords{} % Keywords for your thesis, this is not currently used anywhere in the template, print it elsewhere with \keywordnames
\university{\href{http://www.abertay.ac.uk}{Abertay University}} % Your university's name and URL, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \univname
\department{\href{https://www.abertay.ac.uk/schools/school-of-design-and-informatics/}{School of Design and Informatics}} % Your department's name and URL, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \deptname
\group{\href{https://www.abertay.ac.uk/research-overview/research-strategy-and-structure/division-of-games-technology-and-mathematics/}{Division of Games Technology and Mathematics}} % Your research group's name and URL, this is used in the title page, print it elsewhere with \groupname
\faculty{\href{http://faculty.university.com}{Faculty Name}} % Your faculty's name and URL, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \facname
\hypersetup{pdftitle=\ttitle} % Set the PDF's title to your title
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\hypersetup{pdfkeywords=\keywordnames} % Set the PDF's keywords to your keywords
% Set width between number and title for a chapter in TOC
% \setlength\cftchapternumwidth{4em}
% \cftsetindents{section}{1em}{3em}
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\pagestyle{plain} % Default to the plain heading style until the thesis style is called for the body content
{\scshape\LARGE \univname\par}\vspace{1.2cm} % University name
\textsc{\Large Doctoral Thesis}\\[0.5cm] % Thesis type
\HRule \\[0.4cm] % Horizontal line
{\LARGE \bfseries \ttitle\par}\vspace{0.4cm} % Thesis title
\HRule \\[0.8cm] % Horizontal line
\begin{flushleft} \large
\href{http://www.yourwebsite.com}{\authorname} % Author name - remove the \href bracket to remove the link
\begin{flushright} \large
\emph{Supervisors:} \\
\href{https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1921/einstein/biographical/ /*supervisor link*/}{\supname} % Supervisor name - remove the \href bracket to remove the link
\href{https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1921/einstein/biographical/ /*supervisor link*/}{\secondsupname}
\href{https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1921/einstein/biographical/ /*supervisor link*/}{\thirdsupname}
\end{minipage}\\[1.4cm] % Should be 1.75 if 3d supervisor is added
\large \textit{A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements\\ for the degree of \degreename}\\[0.2cm] % University requirement text
\textit{in the}\\[0.2cm]
\groupname\\\deptname\\[0.5cm] % Research group name and department name
{\large \printdayoff\today}\\[2cm] % Date
%\includegraphics{logo.png} % University/department logo - uncomment to place it
\mainmatter % Begin numeric (1,2,3...) page numbering
\pagestyle{thesis} % Return the page headers back to the "thesis" style
% Include the chapters of the thesis as separate files from the Chapters folder
% Uncomment the lines as you write the chapters
% \include{Chapters/optimistic_paper}
\renewcommand{\harvardurl}{\textbf{URL:} \url}
\appendix % Cue to tell LaTeX that the following "chapters" are Appendices
% Include the appendices of the thesis as separate files from the Appendices folder
% Uncomment the lines as you write the Appendices