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%%%%% IISE Transactions package list %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage{natbib} %comment out if you do not have the package
\usepackage{url} % not crucial - just used below for the URL
%%%%% Author package list and commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%% Here are some examples %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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{#1}\small\normalsize} \spacingset{1}
\title{\bf \emph{IISE Transactions} \LaTeX \ Template}
\author{John Doe $^a$ and Jane Roe $^b$ \\
$^a$ Department, University, City, Country \\
$^b$ Department, University, City, Country }
} \fi
\title{\bf \emph{IISE Transactions} \LaTeX \ Template}
\author{Author information is purposely removed for double-blind review}
{\LARGE\bf \emph{IISE Transactions} \LaTeX \ Template}
} \fi
This document provides a \LaTeX \ template for \emph{IISE Transactions}. Your paper should be compiled in the following order: title; abstract; keywords; main text, including an introduction and a conclusion or summary; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; references; appendices (as appropriate). Figures and tables should be inserted into the text as close to first mention as possible (NOT appended to the end of the manuscript). In-text citations and the reference list must follow \emph{IISE Transactions} guidelines. Use 11 point font, 1 inch margins, and double-spacing for the manuscript. A typical paper for this journal should be no more than 30 pages in manuscript format, counting from the title page to references. Appendices should be included as supplemental online materials. Do not use footnotes. \emph{IISE Transactions} uses a double-blind review process. Please make sure that you submit the \textbf{blind version} of your manuscript, which does not contain any information identifying the authors. This includes removing the authors information on the title page as well as the information that may be identifying in the Acknowledgment section. \\
\textcolor[rgb]{0.00,0.07,1.00}{We strongly encourage authors to address the following three questions in their \textbf{abstract}, preferably following the order shown: (1) Research problem statement: what is the research problem to be addressed? (2) Methods and results: how do the authors address the research problem and what are the main results? (3) Insights and implications: What have the authors learned (as opposed to what they did, which is covered in point (2)) from conducting this research? What is the knowledge gained and why does it matter? The abstract should be written in \textbf{a single paragraph}.}.\\
We thank you for your attention to these details.
{\it Keywords:} \emph{IISE Transactions}; \LaTeX; Manuscript format; Taylor \& Francis.
\spacingset{1.5} % DON'T change the spacing!
\section{Introduction} \label{s:intro}
A paper starts off with the section introducing the research problem and explaining the background and motivation.
\section{Section heading 2} \label{s:sec2}
The review of literature can be a separate section but it can be merged with the introduction section. One can find a number of reference examples at the end of this template, like,
\item A book: \cite{Hastie2009}.
\item A journal article: \cite{Byon2013}.
\item A conference paper: \cite{Breunig2000}.
\item A book chapter: \cite{Yang2010}.
\item A technical report: \cite{Kelley2007}.
\section{Section heading 3} \label{s:methods}
First-level headings should be in bold.
\emph{Subsection heading 3.1}} \label{s:methods.1}
Second-level headings should be in bold italics.
\subsubsection{\emph{Sub-subsection heading 3.1.1}} \label{s:methods.1.1}
Third-level headings should be in italics.
\subsection{\emph{Subsection heading 3.2}} \label{s:methods.2}
\subsection{\emph{Subsection heading 3.3}} \label{s:methods.3}
\section{Section heading 4} \label{s:numerical}
Perhaps numerical analysis of performance, comparison, and demonstration of applicability and impact using real data.
A paper ends with a conclusion or summary section.
The authors acknowledge the generous support from the funding agency of XYZ. } \fi