% Template for the Fourth Pan-American Conference on Unsaturated Soils
% 4th Pan-American Conference on Unsaturated Soils
% June 22nd to 25th in 2025
% Ottawa, Canada
% Template developed by Mehdi Pouragha, Carleton University
\usepackage{amsmath} %Required for math formulation. Do not remove
\usepackage{graphicx} % required for figures. Do not remove
\usepackage{geometry} %required for defining the page size. Do not remove
\geometry{letterpaper, total={170mm,220mm}} % DO NOT CHANGE THE DIMENSION!. Do not remove
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % required for header. Do not remove
\usepackage{sectsty} %required for section title font. Do not remove
\usepackage{verbatim} % required for writing verbatim text.
\usepackage{hyperref} % required for hyperlink
\usepackage{caption} %required for caption placement. Do not remove
\captionsetup[table]{skip=10pt} % Caption placement for tables. Do not remove
\pagestyle{fancy} % definign header for the first page. Do not remove
\rhead{$4^{\text{th}}$ Pan-American Conference on Unsaturated Soils\\ Ottawa, Canada, June 22-25, 2025}
\sectionfont{\small} % defining section title font. Do not change/remove
\subsectionfont{\small\itshape} % defining subsection title font. Do not change/remove
\pagenumbering{arabic} % defining page numbering. Do not change/remove
\thispagestyle{fancy} %adding the header to the first page. Do not remove
%%%% Title section %%%%
% title
{\large \bf Paper Title Here}
% authors
{First Author$^{*,1,3}$,
Second Author$^2$,
and Third Author$^{1}$}
% addresses
$^1$Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
$^2$Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
$^3$National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada
% $^4$Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
% email address of the corresponding author
$^*$\textit{Corresponding author's email: }aaa@carleton.ca
%%%% end of title section
%%%%% Abstract %%%%%%
%%%[IMPORTANT: do not add empty lines here]
Write the abstract of the paper in this allotted space. Do not add modify the formatting. The abstract should be a maximum of 200 words.
%%%% end of abstract section %%%%
%%%% Body of the paper %%%%
This is the \LaTeX template for the full papers of the $4^{\text{th}}$ Pan-American Conference on Unsaturated Soils, June 2025, Ottawa, Canada. Please do not modify the style, format, and structure of this file and only insert your text. For starting a new section, use \verb|\section*{}| command instead of \verb|\section{}|. Including $*$ helps suppressing numbering. The length of the paper should not exceed \textbf{10 pages}, including references.
\section*{Formatting Equations, Figures, and Tables}
Use the following format for your equations, figures, and tables. Equations, figures, and tables should be numbered and appropriately referred to in the text.
\subsection*{Gibbs-Thomson Relation}
The Gibbs-Thomson equation determines the critical pore radius below which the water is at a liquid state and can be described as follows:
where $T_m$ is the melting point of water in the pores, $T_0$ is the melting point of pure liquid water, $\gamma_{sl}$ is the free energy coefficient of the ice–water interface, $\rho_i$ is the ice-phase density, $L_f$ is the latent heat of phase transformation, and $R$ is the pore radius~\cite{devoie2022repository}. The variation of freezing temperature with pore radius, as predicted by Eq.~\ref{eq:GT} is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:GT}. The relation has been used for deriving the freezing characteristics curve, see for instance \cite{zhou2013three}.
\begin{figure}%Use [!ht] for forced placement
\caption{Gibbs-Thomson relation for freezing temperature of water in pores with varying radii.}
\begin{table}[!ht]%Use [!ht] for forced placement
\caption{Parameters for water and ice for Gibbs-Thomson equation (\ref{eq:GT}).}
$T_0\,(K)$& $\gamma_{sl}\,(J\,m^{-2})$ & $\rho_i\,(kg\,m^{-3})$ & $L_f\,(J\,kg^{-1})$\\
\hline \hline
$273.15$& $0.029$ & $917$ & $3.35\times10^5$\\
\section*{Reference Style}
Please use the ``\verb|unsrt|'' citation and referencing style for your paper. You can simply add your citations to the accompanying ``\verb|refs.bib|'' file provided. Use \verb|@book| and \verb|@techreport| items in the \verb|.bib| file to cite books and reports. Examples of a book~\cite{fredlund1993soil} and a report~\cite{evans1983unsaturated} are given in the reference list.
\section*{Submitting Your Paper}
Please upload the final version of your paper as a single PDF file to the conference webpage at \url{https://www.panam-unsat2025.ca}.
% References