%%\title{Package example using the rubikcube package}
%% Source: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/rubik
%% Requires the tikz package
%% January 20, 2014
%% USAGE: (pdf)latex example-cube.tex
\usepackage{tikz} %% load tikz before rubikcube
\markright{\textsc{rubikcube} package; \hspace{2cm}file = example-cube.tex}
%% increase textwidth to make room
%% brace and bracket
\subsection*{Example---the `superflip' configuration}
Once you have mastered Rubik's cube, then an interesting exercise is to generate
the so-called `superflip' configuration, in which all the corners are correctly
solved, while all the edges are flipped.
For the impatient, the superflip sequence of 24 quarter-turn rotations (listed on Randelshofer's website) is as follows. This converts the solved cube on the left into the configuration shown on the right.
{\noindent}Surprisingly, this sequence is actually equivalent to
\Rubikbrace{\Rubikbracket{\RubikM\RubikUp}4, \Rubiky, \Rubikxp}3
\RubikFaceUp {W}{R}{W} {B}{W}{G} {W}{O}{W}%
\RubikFaceDown {Y}{O}{Y} {B}{Y}{G} {Y}{R}{Y}%
\RubikFaceLeft {B}{W}{B} {R}{B}{O} {B}{Y}{B}%
\RubikFaceRight{G}{W}{G} {O}{G}{R} {G}{Y}{G}%
\RubikFaceFront{O}{W}{O} {B}{O}{G} {O}{Y}{O}%
\caption{Two images of the superflip configuration.}
The code for all this is given below---note that the facelet colours can be
written in various ways. Note also the trailing \% at the end of each line which is not inside a TikZ picture environment, and the value of placing each TikZ picture environment inside a minipage.
Since the default width of a Rubik cube is 4cm (see \S\,7 Fig~2 in \texttt{rubikcube.pdf}), then since the TikZ scale here is 0.5 then the required width of its minipage is equal to $0.5 \times 4\mbox{cm} = 2\mbox{cm}$.
{\noindent}Surprisingly, this sequence is actually equivalent to
\Rubikbrace{\Rubikbracket{\RubikM\RubikUp}4, \Rubiky, \Rubikxp}3
\RubikFaceUp {Y}{B}{Y} {R}{Y}{O} {Y}{G}{Y}%
\RubikFaceDown {W}{G}{W} {R}{W}{O} {W}{B}{W}%
\RubikFaceLeft {R}{Y}{R} {B}{R}{G} {R}{W}{R}%
\RubikFaceRight{O}{Y}{O} {G}{O}{B} {O}{W}{O}%
\RubikFaceFront{G}{Y}{G} {R}{G}{O} {G}{W}{G}%
\RubikFaceBack {B}{Y}{B}%
\caption{Two images of the superflip configuration.}
\subsection*{Using the rubikrotation package}
This is just a note to show that if this file were run in conjunction with the \texttt{rubikrotation} package, using the \LaTeX\ commandline switch \texttt{--shell-escape}, then the above figure could be generated more simply by replacing
\RubikFaceUp {Y}{B}{Y} {R}{Y}{O} {Y}{G}{Y}%
\RubikFaceDown {W}{G}{W} {R}{W}{O} {W}{B}{W}%
\RubikFaceLeft {R}{Y}{R} {B}{R}{G} {R}{W}{R}%
\RubikFaceRight{O}{Y}{O} {G}{O}{B} {O}{W}{O}%
\RubikFaceFront{G}{Y}{G} {R}{G}{O} {G}{W}{G}%
\RubikFaceBack {B}{Y}{B}%
with the command
ie,~using instead the following code:
\caption{Two images of the superflip configuration.}
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