\linespread{1.3} % 1.5 spacing equivalent to word
%\linespread{1.6} % 2 spacing equivalent to word
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear, maxnames=999, maxcitenames=3, firstinits=true, urldate=long]{biblatex}
\ifboolexpr{test {\ifentrytype{article}} or test {\ifentrytype{inbook}} or test {\ifentrytype{incollection}}}
not test {\iffieldundef{url}}
not test {\iffieldundef{urldate}}
not test {\iffieldundef{doi}}
not test {\iffieldundef{eprint}}
urlseen = {accessed},
online = {online},
\ifentrytype{article}{}{\printtext{\bibstring{in}\intitlepunct}}} % removes "In" preceding journal title
\title{How to Reference, UWE style \\ Short reports}
\author{D Toher}
\tableofcontents % comment out, using a "%" if you don't want a table of contents.
\section{Referencing and formatting}
While I approve of you using \LaTeX\ to format your documents, I would recommend that you look at using additional features to ensure that your documents meet (or approximate) UWE formatting regulations. This will become more of an issue when you are submitting your final year project. Note that my preamble is available on request (which covers the majority of formatting issues for font type, size, spacing and the majority of types of references). $y = mx+c$
(\ref{eq:SS}) notes that errors sum to zero.
\section{General comments}
The change to author year system is very easy to implement. \textcite{ben2002} and \autocite{buede1997} are examples of journal articles whilst \textcite{coiera2003} is an example of a book. If I wish, I can state that many different approaches can be taken \parencite{ben2002}.
This is an example of how to cite a paper with more than three authors \autocite{liu2014}. An alternative way of citing the same paper is \textcite{liu2014}.
Of course, you can add an image into a \LaTeX document, the results are shown in Figure \ref{fig:frog}!
\caption{My first frog, scaled to be 75\% of the width of the text!}
\clearpage % this will force everything (including floats - tables and figures) to appear before the references.
The code required to include this image:
\caption{My first frog, scaled to be 75\% of the width of the text!}