\documentclass[10pt, a4paper]{article}
% Page Settings
\usepackage{geometry} % Allows the configuration of document margins
\geometry{includeheadfoot,a4paper, textwidth=0.87\paperwidth, textheight=0.8\paperheight}
\usepackage{lipsum} % provides lorem ipsum for testing
% Font Settings
\usepackage{lmodern} % http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/latinmodernroman/
\usepackage[thin]{raleway} % different font for the TikZ header
% Settings for Fancy Headers and Footers
% Settings for TikZ Headers with coloured background
\usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{color} % https://de.sharelatex.com/learn/Using_colours_in_LaTeX#!#Reference_guide z.B. \color{RubineRed} - use ColorNames
\definecolor{CornflowerBlue}{RGB}{100,149,237} %#6495ed (HTML) - define your own colors
% pick some from here: http://latexcolor.com/
% Settings for "normal" headers and footers
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % http://mirror.easyname.at/ctan/macros/latex/contrib/fancyhdr/fancyhdr.pdf
\fancyhf{} % clear space at the header and footer so the fancy headers / footers can be placed
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{2pt} % set a head rule of 2pt thickness
%\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{1pt} % same would be possible if you wanted a footer rule
% things you might want to access here: \thesection \thechapter \chaptername \sectionmark \rightmark \leftmark
% check this for further info: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Customizing_Page_Headers_and_Footers
% puts a small logo on the right side of the HEADER - same goes for the \lhead:
\lhead{\footnotesize\textbf{Example citation:} \textsc{Author-Lastname}, Surname: ``Article title'', in: \textsc{Editor} (ed.): \emph{booktitle}, NY 2018. {\textsc{Link:}} \protect\url{http://mylink.com}{ } \lbrack{}\today\rbrack{}.}
% you could you \chead to access the center as well
% defines all the FOOTER settings. But in this case, they are conditional: We check if we're on the last page and only print it, if we're not.
\lfoot{\ifnum\getpagerefnumber{VeryLastPage}=\value{page}\else{\scriptsize your custom footer text goes here}\fi}
% add the page count in the middle: \thepage gives you the current page, \pageref{LastPage} the total
\newgeometry{includeheadfoot,a4paper, textwidth=0.87\paperwidth, textheight=0.7\paperheight, top=3cm, headheight=0cm, headsep=0cm}
\fancyhf{} % clear space at the header and footer again
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % get rid of the headrule
% defines all the FOOTER settings to work as above.
% We still check if we're on the last page and only print it, if we're not.
\lfoot{\ifnum\getpagerefnumber{VeryLastPage}=\value{page}\else{\scriptsize your custom footer text goes here}\fi}
% add the page count in the middle: \thepage gives you the current page, \pageref{LastPage} the total
% packages for the custom header and footer
% different last page footer
% credit: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/120773/footer-on-last-page
\newcommand{\footercustomlastpage}[3]{% here a command is set
\backgroundsetup{% from the background package
contents={% contents then contain basically the same TikZ picture as I use for the header
\tikz[remember picture,overlay]{%
\fill[gray!70,ultra thick]%
([yshift=120pt]current page.south west)%
(current page.south east);%
\node[anchor=north west,inner sep=0pt,text width=.75\paperwidth,align=left] at ([yshift=15pt,xshift=50pt]current page.south west|-current page text area.south west) {#1};%
\node[anchor=north,inner sep=0pt,text width=.3\paperwidth,align=right] at ([yshift=-5pt,xshift=90pt]current page text area.south) {#2};%
\node[anchor=north east,inner sep=0pt,text width=.3\paperwidth,align=right] at ([yshift=-5pt,xshift=-30pt]current page.south east|-current page text area.south east) {#3};%
% I made a command for this, so you can put the above in an external file
% and only keep the actual contents of the footer in this main file
% making a new command would, of course, not been necessary
{\huge Jack Sparrow image credit: Walt Disney. Thanks, mate!}
% custom header with background etc
% this one doesn't necessarily or automatically print on the first page
% I thought it best to be able to place it manually
% but this means that head space will not automatically be cleard for it, please you a page break before it
% inspired by: https://www.sharelatex.com/templates/cv-or-resume/fancy-cv
\tikz[remember picture,overlay] {%
\node[rectangle, fill=#5, anchor=north, minimum width=\paperwidth, minimum height=5cm](header) at (current page.north){};%
\node[left=#7 of header.north, anchor=east](name) at (header.east) {\fontfamily{\sfdefault}\selectfont #2};%
\node[anchor=south east](degree) at (name.north east) {\fontfamily{\sfdefault}\selectfont #1};%
\node[anchor=north east](descr) at (name.south east) {\fontfamily{\sfdefault}\selectfont #3};%
\node[right=#6 of header.west, anchor=west](picture) at (header.west) {};%
\draw[path picture={\node[anchor=center] at (path picture bounding box.center){\includegraphics[height=4.3cm]{#4}} ;}] (picture) circle (2) ;}%
%--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End footer placement
% here we determine that the footer (which really is a background constisting of TikZ picture
%will be printed on the very last page only
\title{Headers and Footers}
\author{\LaTeX Ninja}
\date{September 2018}
\header{\bg{white}{black}{Captain}}{\bgupper{gray!20}{red}{Jack Sparrow}
{\Huge\input Rothdn.fd \renewcommand*\initfamily{\usefont{U}{Rothdn}{xl}{n}} {\initfamily Jack Sparrow}} }{
\bg{gray!60}{white}{\Large Pirate\phantom{xxx}//}}{jack.jpg}{Salmon}{3.5cm}{2cm}
\header{\bg{white}{black}{it's a}}{{\Huge\bfseries\input Sanremo.fd \renewcommand*\initfamily{\usefont{U}{Sanremo}{xl}{n}} {\initfamily pirate's life} }}{\bg{gray!60}{white}{for me}}{jack.jpg}{CornflowerBlue}{3.5cm}{2cm}