\documentclass[extrafontsizes, 60pt]{memoir} %makes fonts larger, so it is easier to see the glyphs
%This is a tikz-drawn facsimile for D. J. Griffith's script r notation, used in his book Introduction to Electrodynamics. Feel free to use the code as you will, don't bother mentioning my name when doing it.
\usepackage{tikz} %tikz is used to draw the glyphs
\usetikzlibrary{arrows,scopes} %tikz libraries used to draw the glyphs
\usepackage[papersize={145mm,45mm},left=0.1ex, right=0.1ex]{geometry} %change paper size, so it is easier to see the glyphs
%defining script r (scalar)
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=round cap]
\clip (0.09em,-0.05ex) rectangle (0.61em,0.81ex);
\draw [line width=.11ex, <->, rounded corners=0.13ex] (0.1em,0.1ex) .. controls (0.24em,0.4ex) .. (0.35em,0.8ex) .. controls (0.29em,0.725ex) .. (0.25em,0.6ex) .. controls (0.7em,0.8ex) and (0.08em,-0.4ex) .. (0.55em,0.25ex);
%defining bold script r (vector)
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=round cap]
\clip (0.085em,-0.1ex) rectangle (0.61em,0.875ex);
\draw [line width=.2ex, <->, rounded corners=0.13ex] (0.1em,0.1ex) .. controls (0.24em,0.4ex) .. (0.35em,0.8ex) .. controls (0.29em,0.725ex) .. (0.25em,0.6ex) .. controls (0.7em,0.8ex) and (0.08em,-0.4ex) .. (0.55em,0.25ex);
%defining bold script r with a hat (unit vector)
$\Huge\noindent \rc \brc \hrc$ %huge font size, so it is easier to see the glyphs