\title{Creating Animations in Beamer using \texttt{xmpmulti}}
\author{LianTze Lim/Wikihow}
\date[]{All images from \href{http://www.wikihow.com/Draw-a-Cat-Face}{Wikihow: How to Draw a Cat Face}}
\item Make sure your images are named as \texttt{<filename>-<x>.<format>} where \texttt{x} is the sequence number.
\item By default, \texttt{x} starts from 0, but you can specify a custom starting number.
\item Example: \texttt{fig-0.png}, \texttt{fig-1.png}, \texttt{fig-2.png},\ldots
\item The following example uses 8 images named as \texttt{Draw-a-Cat-Face-Step-1.jpg}, \texttt{Draw-a-Cat-Face-Step-2.jpg}\ldots
\begin{frame}{How to Draw a Cat Face}