% Medium Length Graduate Curriculum Vitae
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.2 (3/28/15)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
% (http://www.rpi.edu/dept/arc/training/latex/resumes/)
% Modified by:
% Daniel L Marks <xleafr@gmail.com> 3/28/2015
% Important note:
% This template requires the res.cls file to be in the same directory as the
% .tex file. The res.cls file provides the resume style used for structuring the
% document.
% You can have multiple style options the legal options ones are:
% centered: the name and address are centered at the top of the page
% (default)
% line: the name is the left with a horizontal line then the address to
% the right
% overlapped: the section titles overlap the body text (default)
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% 11pt: use 11 point fonts instead of 10 point fonts
% 12pt: use 12 point fonts instead of 10 point fonts
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\name{Allen (Zepeng) Zhao}
% Note that addresses can be used for other contact information:
% -phone numbers
% -email addresses
% -linked-in profile
\address{Phone: +13857227349\\Email: u0836547@utah.edu\\Github: \url{https://github.com/allenfromu}}
\address{\\Mail Address: 8086 South Heywood Drive,\\ West Jordan,Utah, 84081}
% Uncomment to add a third address
%\address{Address 3 line 1\\Address 3 line 2\\Address 3 line 3}
\textbf{Shenzhen University}, Shenzhen, China\\
{\sl Bachelor of Science}, Mathematics, Sep, 2010 - May, 2012 \hfill
\textbf{University of Utah}, Salt Lake City, UT\\
{\sl Bachelor of Science}, Computer Science, May, 2012 - Present\hfill GPA:
\textbf{Advanced Programming Languages}: C++, Java
\textbf{Other Programming Languages}: C, Python, SQL, C\#, Go, Scala, \LaTeX.
\textbf{Web Development}: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, Bootstrap, Hakyll.
\textbf{Applications}: Eclipse, Visual Studio, Android Studio, Github, VirtualBox,
MySQL, Elasticsearch.
\textbf{Operating Systems}:
Unix, Linux, Mac OSX, Windows, Android.
% Modify the format of each position
\location{West Jordan, UT}
\dates{Summer, 2014}
\title{\textbf{Web Development Intern}}
Use Elasticsearch database management system to store real time twitter data at the local server. Use Java Jersey framework to connect to the elastisearch server and query the data in the database management system. In the front end, use AngularJS to communicate with the Web server and display the information in a webpage.
\employer{University of Utah}
\location{Salt Lake City, UT}
\dates{Fall, 2014}
\title{\textbf{Teaching Assistant for CS1410}}
Hold lab sections, office hours to teach students how to reach a problem and resolve it. Write auto-grader to grade assignment in Python and grade weekly assignments
\employer{ University of Utah }
\location{Salt Lake City, UT}
\dates{Spring, 2015 till present}
\title{\textbf{Undergraduate Research Assistant}}
\item Build educational software for Finiate State Automata teaching using iPython, \hspace{15mm} Python and Javascript.
\item Implement Open-Chord(Distributed Hash Table) in Scala.
\item Implement Paxos in Scala.
\item Create educational software for clustering algorithm teaching using d3.js
\item Rebuild CPU Website using Hakyll, Jquery, Bootstrap, bibtex.js
\textbf{Minibase System}:
Implement a database system in C++. The semester long project implementations include the heapfile page, buffer manager, B+ tree, external sorting algorithm and sort-merge join.
\textbf{Distributed Systems}:
Implement 4 distributed systems in Go langauage, including Mapreduce, Primary/back service with view service, paxos libarary and multi-paxos key/value store, shard key/value store with paxos peers.
% Interests
Programming, Software Development
% * <allenzhaoatu@gmail.com> 2016-01-14T02:57:22.693Z:
% Nice Template
% ^.