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\title{Streamlining Technology-driven Orchestration in Formal Learning Spaces}
\author{Lighton Phiri$^1$ $\cdot$ Christoph Meinel$^2$ $\cdot$ Hussein Suleman$^1$}
\institute[University of Cape Town]{$^1$Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town, South Africa\\$^2$Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Germany}
\date[October 22, 2015]{October 22, 2015}
Title={Streamlining Technology-driven Orchestration in Formal Learning Spaces},
Author={Lighton Phiri},
Subject={Technology Enhanced Learning},
Keywords={Educational Technology, Orchestration, TEL, Technology Enhanced Learning},
%%% October 21 2015
%%% Timeline
%%%% \color{red!40!black!80}
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%%%Supporting educators in formal learning spaces can be improved by facilitating orchestration of learning activities.
%%%%%Supporting educators is known to improve educational outcomes.
%%%%%\leftskip -0.1in
%%%%%\normalitem Support can be with orchestration.
Educators can be more effective when supported with orchestration---the management of learning activities.
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\begin{block}{Orchestration is Flawed}
Technology-driven orchestration is challenging \cite{Dillenbourg2013} and, arguably, ad hoc.
%%%%%\leftskip -0.1in
%%%%%\normalitem It is multi-faceted and not standardised.
\textcolor{ta2orange}{\UCTCSOEposterhighlight{It is multi-faceted and not standardised.}}
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\begin{block}{Proposed Solution}
Streamline orchestration by facilitating organisation of learning activities.
%%%%%\leftskip 0.1in
%%%%%\normalitem Organisation leads to effectiveness.
% % % % % \colorbox{infocolorgray}{\strut \textcolor{ta2orange}{\; Organisation could lead to effectiveness. \;}}
\textcolor{ta2orange}{\UCTCSOEposterhighlight{Organisation could lead to effectiveness.}}
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% % % % % \begin{block}{Orchestration Situational Analysis}
% % % % % \vskip-1ex
% % % % % %%%%%Scoping and framing stage involved comprehensive analyses, in order to gain a firm understanding of contemporary orchestration.
% % % % % Comprehensive analyses conducted in order to gain a firm understanding of contemporary orchestration.
% % % % % \begin{itemize}
% % % % % \leftskip -0.1in
% % % % % \normalitem Analysis 1: Archival log analysis of lecture recordings.
% % % % % \normalitem Analysis 2: Observations of lecture sessions.
% % % % % \normalitem Analysis 3: Interview sessions with faculty teaching staff.
% % % % % \end{itemize}
% % % % %
% % % % % % % % % % \colorbox{infocolorgray}{\strut \textcolor{ta2orange}{\; Contemporary technology-driven orchestration is ad hoc. \;}}
% % % % % \textcolor{ta2orange}{\UCTCSOEposterhighlight{Contemporary technology-driven orchestration is ad hoc.}}
% % % % % \end{block}
% % % % %
% % % % % \vskip-1ex
\begin{block}{Streamlined Orchestration Workflow}
% % % % % \colorbox{infocolorgray}{\strut \textcolor{ta2orange}{\; Workflow scenario involves four core steps\\ involving pre-session management (Steps 1--3) and session management (Step 4). \;}}
% % % % % \vskip 1ex
Streamlining orchestration takes the form of a software orchestration workbench which facilitates the integration and centralised access to tools and services required to orchestrate learning activities.
\vskip 1ex
Orchestration workflow procedure involves four steps.
\vskip 1ex
\tcboxfit[width=12.2cm,height=6cm,title={Step 1: Activities}, colback=white, colframe=white!0!black, borderline={0pt}{0pt}{black}]{\large
\leftskip -0.3in
\normalitem Define activities hierarchical structures for modules and sessions.
%%%%%\normalitem Associate descriptive metadata.
\tcboxfit[width=12.2cm,height=6cm,title={Step 2: Resources}, colback=white, colframe=black!75!black, borderline={0pt}{0pt}{black}]{\large
\leftskip -0.3in
\normalitem Organised learning resources (e.g. PDFs, videos and URLs).
%%%%%\normalitem Associate resources to activities.
\tcboxfit[width=12.2cm,height=6cm,title={Step 3: Sequencing}, colback=white, colframe=black!75!black, borderline={0pt}{0pt}{black}]{\large
\leftskip -0.3in
\normalitem Create sequence chain to define orchestration order of activities.
%%%%%\normalitem Save sequence chain for later use.
\tcboxfit[width=12.2cm,height=6cm,title={Step 4: Orchestration}, colback=red!5!white, colframe=red!75!black, borderline={0pt}{0pt}{black}]{\large
\leftskip -0.3in
\normalitem Playback saved sequence chain during learning session.
%%%%%\normalitem Optionally share view with learners.
\textcolor{ta2orange}{\UCTCSOEposterhighlight{Pre-session management is performed in steps 1--3 and \\session management is performed in step 4.}}
\begin{block}{Study 1: Orchestrating a Flipped Class}
Flipped class case study conducted using prototpye Workbench to assess approach in authentic educational setting \cite{Phiri2016Streamlined}.
\caption{Learners' Experience Survey Results}
\textcolor{ta2orange}{\UCTCSOEposterhighlight{Noticeable neutral flow of activities and potential positive effect \\on learners' learning experience.}}
\begin{block}{Study 2: Peer-led Guided Orchestration}
Controlled study involving 24 Tutors, for first year Computer Science courses, aimed at measuring orchestration load.
\caption{Sequencing Workload Ratings}
NASA-TLX used to measure orchestration load.
\leftskip -0.1in
\normalitem High values imply high workload.
\normalitem Width of bars reflects importance of weight.
\normalitem Height of bars represents magnitude of rating.
\textcolor{ta2orange}{\UCTCSOEposterhighlight{Results suggest minimal workload requirement during scripting.}}
% % % % % \begin{itemize}
% % % % % \normalitem Implementation of IMS Global Simple Sequencing standard.
% % % % % \normalitem End-to-end evaluation of orchestration load.
% % % % % %%%%%\normalitem Usability evaluation of potential usage scenario.
% % % % % \end{itemize}
% % % % %
% % % % % \textcolor{ta2orange}{\UCTCSOEposterhighlight{Preliminary results indicate no significant workload imposed.}}
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\begin{block}{Study 3: Ad Hoc vs. Organised Orchestration}
%%%%%\begin{block}{1) Orchestrating a Flipped Class}
Controlled study conducted with 61 educators in order to compare ad hoc orchestration and organised orchestration \cite{Phiri2016Comparative}.
\infoitem \textcolor{ta2orange}{\UCTCSOEposterhighlight{Workbench prototype UI simulated organised orchestration.}}
\infoitem \textcolor{ta2orange}{\UCTCSOEposterhighlight{PortableApps simulated ad hoc orchestration.}}
\caption{Portfolio Presentation}
\caption{Time on Tasks}
\caption{Dimension Means}
{AttrakDiff 2 used an measurement instrument.}
{Organised orchestration is:}
\leftskip -0.1in
\normalitem Desirable and 21\% faster.
\normalitem Correlated with improved user experience.
\textcolor{ta2orange}{\UCTCSOEposterhighlight{Organised orchestration more effective than ad hoc.}}
\begin{block}{Study 4: Reusable Orchestration OERs}
Practical usage scenario assessed through implementation of reusable virtual orchestration appliances (rVOA) \cite{Parker2016RVOA}.
\normalitem rVOA player: Flexible offline UI workflow component.
\normalitem rVOA repository: Scalable online repository platform.
\textcolor{ta2orange}{\UCTCSOEposterhighlight{Feasibility of integrating orchestration packages with OERs.}}
% % % % % \vskip-1ex
% % % % % \begin{block}{Future Directions}
% % % % % \vskip-1ex
% % % % % This work is funded by the Hasso Plattner Institute.
% % % % % \end{block}
This work is funded, in part, by the Hasso Plattner Institute.
%%%%%\normalitemindent=0.6em % http://stackoverflow.com/a/10305579/664424
\leftskip 0.2in % @February 7, 2016; http://www.wkiri.com/today/?p=76
%%%%%\parindent -2.1in
%%%Jeremy Roschelle, Yannis Dimitriadis, and Ulrich Hoppe.
%%%%%Jeremy Roschelle et al. Classroom Orchestration: Synthesis. {\em Computers \& Education}, 69:523--526, 2013. DOI: { \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2013.04.010}{10.1016/j.compedu.2013.04.010}}
%%%%%Pierre Dillenbourg. Design for Classroom Orchestration. {\em Computers \& Education}, 69:485--492, 2013.\\
%%%%%DOI: { \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2013.04.013}{10.1016/j.compedu.2013.04.013}}
Dillenbourg, P. Design for Classroom Orchestration. {\em Computers \& Education}. 69:485--492, November 2013.
%%%%%Nabeel Parker and Morn\'{e} Valentyn. Reusable Virtual Orchestration Appliances.
%%%%%URL: { \href{https://goo.gl/qNOF7V}{https://goo.gl/qNOF7V}}
Parker, N. and Valentyn, M. Reusable Virtual Orchestration Appliances. Retrieved from {\href{https://goo.gl/qNOF7V}{https://goo.gl/qNOF7V}}
%%%%%Lighton Phiri et al. Ad hoc vs. Organised Orchestration. {\em 8$^{th}$ IEEE International Conference on %%%%%Technology for Education}, 2016.
Phiri, L., Meinel, C., and Suleman, H. Ad hoc vs. Organised Orchestration. In {\em 8$^{th}$ IEEE International Conference on Technology for Education}. December 2016.
%%%%%Lighton Phiri et al. Streamlined Orchestration. {\em Computers \& Education}, 95:231--238, 2016.\\
%%%%%DOI: { \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2016.01.011}{10.1016/j.compedu.2016.01.011}}
Phiri, L., Meinel, C., and Suleman, H. Streamlined Orchestration. {\em Computers \& Education}. 95:231--238, April 2016.
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