Robert Lynch's CV
Robert Lynch
Last Updated:
8 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Academic CV

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Academic CV
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\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{\LARGE\bf ROBERT FRANCIS LYNCH} % Your name at the top
\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{\large 3009 Crestwood Lane} % Your address
\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{\large Columbia, MO 65203}
\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{\large(917) 449-9148}
\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{\large robertflynch@gmail.com}
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\noindent {\textbf{Rutgers University}\hfill New Brunswick, NJ\\
\noindent{\quad}{\emph{Ph.D. Anthropology}}\hfill 2006 - 2014\\
\noindent{{\qquad}Dissertation: {\sl The Evolution of Life History Traits in Iceland: 1650-1950}}\\
\noindent{{\qquad}Academic advisor: {\sl Robert Trivers}}\\
\vspace{2mm} %5mm vertical space
\noindent {\textbf{Rutgers University}\hfill New Brunswick, NJ\\
\noindent{\quad}{\emph{Cognitive Science certificate}}\hfill 2006 - 2008\\
\vspace{2mm} %5mm vertical space
\noindent {\textbf{Hunter College, City University of New York}\hfill New York City, NY\\
\noindent{\quad}{\emph{Post-baccalaureate, Biology}}\hfill 2003 - 2005\\
\vspace{2mm} %5mm vertical space
\noindent {\textbf{University of Michigan}\hfill Ann Arbor, MI\\
\noindent{\quad}{\emph{B.A., English Literature}}\hfill 1987 - 1991\\
{\textbf {Lynch, R. F.} 2016. Parents face a quantity-quality tradeoff over offspring reproduction and lifespan in Iceland. \textit{Royal Society Open Science}. 3(5), 160087.}
{\textbf {Lynch, R. F.} 2014. The evolution of life history traits in Iceland, 1650-1950. Doctoral dissertation, Rutgers University-Graduate School-New Brunswick.}
{\textbf {Lynch, R. F.} and Trivers, R. L. 2012. Self-deception inhibits laughter. \textit{Personality and Individual Differences}, 53(4): 491-495.}
{\textbf {Lynch, R. F.} and Aronoff, E. September 28, 2012. Human Hubris. \textit{Scientific American}.}
{\textbf {Lynch, R. F.} 2010. It’s funny because we think it’s true: laughter is augment by implicit preferences. \textit {Evolution and Human Behavior}, 31 (2) 141-48.}
\large\textbf{In Review}
{\textbf {Lynch, R. F.}, Shenk, M.S. Flinn, M, Hames, R. and Chagnon N.A. The fitness outcomes of marrying relatives among the Yanomamö shows evidence of parent offspring conflict. \textit{Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences} [Contributed submission].}
{\textbf {Lynch, R. F.} Palestis, B. and Trivers, R.L. Religious devotion and attendance at religious services affect in-group altruism and out-group hostility oppositely in rural Jamaica. [In Review at \textit {Human Nature}]..}
{Lynch, E.C., Di Fiore, A.,\textbf { Lynch, R.F.}, Palombit, R.A. Availability of parents determines social bonds between maternal and paternal half-sibling immature olive baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis). [Revise and Resubmit at \textit{Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology}]. }
{\textbf {Lynch, R. F.} and Lynch, E.C. Parental Investment Increases both offspring reproduction and lifespan in Iceland. [In Review at \textit{Peer J}]..}
\large\textbf{In Preperation}
{\textbf {Lynch, R. F.} and Chagnon, N.A. Cross cousin marriages among the Yanomamö promote alliances and reduce violence between patrilineages. In prep for \textit {Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences} [Contributed submission].}
{\textbf {Lynch, R. F.}, Wasielewski, H. and Cronk, L. Trivers Willard type priming experiment fails to produce an offspring sex bias on Amazon Turk [In Prep]. .}
\large\textbf{Conference Presentations}
Human Behavior and Evolution Society. {\textit {"Religious devotion and attendance at religious services affect in-group altruism and out-group hostility oppositely in rural Jamaica."}}June 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
American Society of Primatologists, {\textit {"Quantity-quality tradeoffs over reproduction and lifespan in Iceland."} }June 2015, Bend, OR.
Human Behavior and Evolution Society, {\textit {"Fitness Consequences of Spousal Relatedness in the Yanomamö."}} May, 2015, Columbia, MO.
Human Behavior and Evolution Society, {\textit {"Humor: In the Lab and on the Stage." }} July, 2013, Miami, FL.
Human Behavior and Evolution Society, {\textit {"It’s funny because it’s true: Self-deception inhibits and implicit preferences augment humor appreciation."}} May, 2007. Williamsburg, VA.
\large\textbf{Invited Presentations}
Department of Biology, University of Missouri, {\textit {"The Evolution of Life History Traits in Iceland."}} Ecology, Evolution and Behavior Fall Lecture Series, November, 2014.
Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University, {\textit {"Self-deception and Humor."}} Distinguished Lecture Series, October, 2013.
Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University, {\textit {"The Evolution of Virulence."}} Seminar on Extinction, November, 2012.
Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University, {\textit {“Sexually Antagonistic Genetic Effects.”}} Guest Lecture, September, 2009.
Department of Ecology and Evolution, Rutgers University {\textit {"Evidence for Sexual Antagonistic Effects Found in Icelandic Population."}}
Ecology and Evolution Spring Lecture Series, , May, 2008.
\resheading{GRANTS AND AWARDS}
{National Science Foundation BCS, Cultural Anthropology (\$65,850) \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}2015-2016}\\
{Fulbright IIE Scholar Award (\$20,000) \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep} 2010-2011}\\
{Conference Travel Award, Rutgers University (\$750) \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}2009}\\
{Award for Distinguished Contribution to Undergraduate Education, Rutgers University \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}2009}\\
{Bigel Award, Rutgers University (\$1,000) \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}2009}\\
{Center for Human Evolutionary Studies Research Grant, Rutgers University (\$2,000) \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}2008}\\
{Special Opportunity Grant, Rutgers University Graduate School, Rutgers University (\$7,500) \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}2007}\\
{Graduate Fellowship, Rutgers University (\$20,000 per semester) \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}2005-2007}\\
{Center for Human Evolutionary Studies Research Grant, Rutgers University (\$2,500) \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}2006}\\
\textbf{University of Missouri}\hfill Columbia, MO\\
\enspace\emph{Postdoctoral Fellowship, Cultural Anthropology}\hfill 2014-Present\\
\quad{Organize, manage and ultimately make public a large-scale demographic and
ethnographic database of Yanomamö Indians collected over a 25 year period. Analyze database and synthesize results into
\emph{Academic advisor}: Napoleon Chagnon\\
\textbf{University of Missouri}\hfill Columbia, MO\\
\enspace\emph{Amazon Mechanical Turk}\hfill 4/ 2016\\
\quad{Collected data from a Qualtrics generated survey on explicit and implicit preferences offspring sex preferences from over 1,000 subjects }\\
\emph{Academic advisor}: Napoleon Chagnon\\
\textbf{DeCode Genetics}\hfill Reykjavik, Iceland\\
\enspace\emph{Dissertation Research}\hfill 9/2010 - 7/2011\\
\quad{Used Íslendingabók (a genealogical database for the population of Iceland ranging from 871 A.D. to the present) to analyze the heritability of life history traits for dissertation research}\\
\emph{Supervisor}: Agnar Helgason\\
\textbf{Jamaican Symmetry Project}\hfill Southfield, Jamaica\\
\enspace\emph{Field site manager}\hfill May 2010\\
\quad{Collected data in the form of DNA, questionnaires, physical health and sprinting times from local subjects }\\
\emph{Project PI}: Robert Trivers\\
\textbf{DeCode Genetics}\hfill Reykjavik, Iceland\\
\enspace\emph{Pilot Study for Dissertation Research}\hfill October 2008\\
\quad{Collected data in the form of questionnaires, physical health and sprinting times from local subjects }\\
\emph{Supervisor}: Agnar Helgason\\
\textbf{Family Court}\hfill New Brunswick, NJ\\
\enspace\emph{Independent Research}\hfill Spring, 2008\\
\quad{Analyzed documents related to divorce and custody hearings concerning the nature of parental investment.
Used findings in dissertation}\\
\textbf{Genetics Laboratory, Rutgers University}\hfill New Brunswick, NJ\\
\enspace\emph{Lab Research}\hfill 9/ 2006 - 5/ 2008\\
\quad{Worked to extract human DNA to supplement Dr. Robert Trivers’ Jamaican Symmetry Project. Used laboratory techniques to isolate and sequence areas of genome associated with digit ratios and Hox gene clusters }\\
\emph{Project PI}: Chi-hua Chiu\\
\textbf{The Jamaican Symmetry Project}\hfill Southfield, Jamaica \\
\enspace\emph{Research assistant}\hfill 5/ 2007\\
\quad{Collected DNA samples and digit ratio data from over 200 subjects }\\
\emph{Project PI}: Robert Trivers\\
\textbf{Facial Coding}\hfill New Brunswick, NJ \\
\enspace\emph{Independent research}\hfill 3/ 2006 - 10/ 2007\\
\quad{Created and conducted a study on implicit preferences and humor appreciation using Facial Action Coding System (FACS)}\\
\textbf{The Jamaican Symmetry Project}\hfill Southfield, Jamaica \\
\enspace\emph{Research assistant}\hfill 5/ 2006\\
\quad{Supervised field site and data collection}\\
\emph{Project PI}: Robert Trivers\\
\textbf{The Jamaican Symmetry Project}\hfill Southfield, Jamaica \\
\enspace\emph{Research assistant}\hfill 10/ 2005\\
\quad{Collected anthropometric and symmetry data as part of the Jamaican Symmetry Project}\\
\emph{Project PI}: Robert Trivers\\
\textbf{American Stock Exchange}\hfill New York, NY \\
\emph{Market maker and trader}\hfill 1993-2004\\
\quad{Traded NYSE and NASDAQ options and equities for option trading companies}\\
\enspace\emph{Supervisor}: Brian Gerrity\\
\textbf{University of Missouri}\\
\textbf{Anthropology Department}\hfill Columbia, MO\\
\vspace{1 mm}
\emph{Graduate Seminar on Yanomamö marriage and kinship}\hfill Spring, 2015\\
%\quad{Co-taught with Napoleon Chagnon}\\
\textbf{William Patterson}\hfill Wayne, NJ \\
\textbf{Anthropology Department}\hfill Spring, 2015\\
\vspace{1 mm}
\emph{Linguistic Anthropology}
\textbf{Rutgers University}\hfill New Brunswick, NJ \\
\textbf{Anthropology Department}\hfill 2010-2014\\
\vspace{1 mm}
\emph{Social Evolution (3X), Religion and Evolution (2X), Introduction to the 4 fields of Anthropology, Introduction to Human Evolution, Expository Writing}
\large\textbf{Teaching Assistant}\\
\vspace{1 mm}
\textbf{Rutgers University}\hfill New Brunswick, NJ \\
\textbf{Anthropology Department}\hfill 2007-2010\\
\vspace{1 mm}
\emph{Introduction to Human Evolution (2X), Social Evolution (2X), Extinction (2X), Introduction to Cultural Anthropology}
\large\textbf{Teaching K-12}
\vspace{1 mm}
\textbf{Educate LLC}\hfill Bronx, NY \\
\textbf{Elementary school}\hfill 2004-2005\\
\vspace{1 mm}
\emph{Technology and math teacher}
\textbf{Educate for America}\hfill Ko\v{s}ice, Slovakia \\
\textbf{Secondary school}\hfill 1992-1993\\
\vspace{1 mm}
\emph{English as a second language}
\textbf{Human Behavior and Evolution Society planning committee}\hfill 2014-2015\\
\textbf{Pelham School Board in Westchester, NY} \hfill 2005-2014 \\
\quad \textit {-Developed the primary school science curriculum through writing lectures and creating games that encourage a deeper understanding of biology and evolution.} \\
\textbf{President Anthropology Graduate Student Association Rutgers University} \hfill 2006-2007\\
\textbf{Journal Reviewer} \hfill 2010-present\\
\quad \textit {-Proceedings B, Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, Evolutionary Psychology, Journal of Social, Evolutionary and Cultural Psychology, Evolution and Human Behavior and Personality and Individual Differences}
\textbf{Human Behavior and Evolution Society}\\
\textbf{American Anthropological Association}\\
\textbf{American Society of Primatologists}\\
\textbf{Society for Evolutionary Analysis and Law}\\
\textbf {Programming}
{\textsf{R}, Visual basic, \textsf{R} markdown and \LaTeX}
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\textbf {Statistical software}
{\textsf{R}, SPSS, SAS}
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\textbf {Database Management}
{MS Access, MS Excel, SQL}
%\vspace{0.5 mm}
\textbf {Research Software and Skills}
{Certified in the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), Qualtrics, Amazon Mechanical Turk}
\resheading{POPULAR PRESS}
\textbf{The Nation}\hfill September 26, 2016\\
{"Have you ever seen Donald Trump laugh ?"} \\
\textbf {National Public Radio:“The Hidden Brain"}\hfill December 8, 2015 \\
{"How what makes you laugh and cringe reveals your hidden biases"}\\
\href{http://www.npr.org/2015/12/08/458307977/how-what-makes-you-laugh-and-cringe-reveals-your-hidden-biases}{(http://www.npr.org/2015/12/08/458307977/how-what-makes-you-laugh-and-cringe-reveals-your-hidden-biases)} \\
\textbf {PBS NOVA: “The Secret Lives of Scientists”}\hfill October, 2014 \\
{"Evolutionary Anthropologist/Stand-up Comedian"} \\
\textbf{Deadspin Interview}\hfill August 16, 2012\\
{"This Man Is A Stand-up Comedian And An Evolutionary Anthropologist Studying The Science Of Funny. Ask Him About Jokes.”}\\
\textbf {NPR Morning Edition}\hfill August 6, 2012\\
{"An anthropologist walks into a bar"}
\href{http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2012/08/06/157592468/an-anthropologist-walks-into-a-bar-and-asks- why-is-this-joke-funny}{(http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2012/08/06/157592468/an-anthropologist-walks-into-a-bar-and-asks- why-is-this-joke-funny)}
\textbf{Wall Street Journal}\hfill May 18, 2012\\
{"Week in Ideas”} \\
\href{http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303360504577410613087073528.html?mod=googlenew s_wsj}{(www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303360504577410613087073528)}
\textbf{Psychology Today}\hfill January 1, 20010\\
{"Bias: Funny because it's true”}\\
\textbf{Scientific American}\hfill October 13, 2009\\
{"It's funny because it's true"}
\textbf{Multiple stand-up comedy routines at Gotham Comedy Club and the Metropolitan Room}
*Available upon request
\textbf {\Large Robert Trivers}\\
Professor, Rutgers University\\
Ruth Adams Building, 3rd floor\\
131 George Street\\
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1414\\
Email: \textit {trivers@rci.rutgers.edu}\\
OR textit{trivers.85FCAA6C60@interfolio.com} (for a generic letter stored at Interfolio)\\
Tel\#: 876-366-4736\\
\textbf{\Large Lee Cronk}\\
Professor, Rutgers University\\
Ruth Adams Building, 3rd floor\\
131 George Street\\
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1414\\
Email: \textit {lcronk@anthropology.rutgers.edu}\\
Tel\# 908-646-5153\\
\textbf{\Large Napoleon Chagnon}\\
Professor, University of Missouri\\
112 Swallow Hall\\
Columbia, MO 65211\\
Email: \textit {chagnonn@missouri.edu}\\
Tel\# 231-631-4871
**My post-doctoral advisor, Napoleon Chagnon, is currently in poor health. In case he cannot be reached please contact:
\textbf {\Large Mark Flinn}\\
Professor, University of Missouri\\
112 Swallow Hall\\
Columbia, MO 65211\\
Email: \textit{flinnm@missouri.edu}\\
Tel\# 573-268-7532