Priyanka Singh's Résumé
Priyanka Singh
Last Updated:
7 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Priyanka Singh's Résumé

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Priyanka Singh's Résumé
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% "ModernCV" CV and Cover Letter
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.11 (19/6/14)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com)
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
% Important note:
% This template requires the moderncv.cls and .sty files to be in the same
% directory as this .tex file. These files provide the resume style and themes
% used for structuring the document.
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(105.1123,45.8168) -- (104.8923,45.1951) -- (104.4140,45.1760) .. controls
(104.1462,45.1653) and (103.7296,45.2145) .. (103.4671,45.2879) -- cycle;
\firstname{Priyanka} % Your first name
\familyname{Singh} % Your last name
% All information in this block is optional, comment out any lines you don't need
\address{Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women}{New Delhi, India}
%% \github{github.com/KevinDennyII}
%% \httplink{https://www.codechef.com/users/priyanka_pps}
%%\homepage{https://github.com/priyankapps/} {https://github.com/priyankapps/}}
\cventry{2015--2019}{Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering}{}{}{}{Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University For Women (IGDTUW), Delhi, India \\
77.65\%} % Arguments not required can be left empty
\cventry{2013--2015}{Senior Secondary School Examination, Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Uttar Pradesh}{}{}{}{Ben-Hur Inter College, Unnao\\
\cventry{2011--2013}{Secondary School Examination, Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Uttar Pradesh}{}{}{}{Ben-Hur Inter College, Unnao\\
%--\cventry{June'18--Present}{Intern}{}{}{}{Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi\\
%--\textbf{Objective}: To create the official website for their Makerspace Lab facility\\
%---\textbf{Group Size}: 6\\
%--To create a website for Makerspace Lab which helps student in scheduling tools of the facility and giving tutorial on how to use them. It will also tell the student about who are trained in any particular tool. \\}
% Skills SECTION
\section{Technical Skills}
\cvitem{Programming Languages}{Java, C, C++, Python, XHTML, HTML/CSS, Javascript}
\cvitem{Operating Systems}{Linux, Windows}
\cvitem{Tools}{Android Studio, IntelliJ, Octave }
% Masters SECTION
%\section{Masters Thesis}
%\cvitem{Title}{\emph{Technologies and characterization of ferroelectric polymers for biomedical sensors}}
%\cvitem{Supervisors}{Professor Antonino Fiorillo}
%\cvitem{Description}{This thesis is based on the implementation of a temperature sensor.}
\cventry{June'18--July'18}{To make a face detection software}{}{}{}
{\textbf{Objective}: To detect the user face by storing its data and after that whenever he uses the software it detects their face.\\
\textbf{Description}:This project firstly stores users face in different angles and then uses OpenCV model to compare it to existing data.\\
\cventry{Jan'18--May'18}{To use applications running on Raspberry Pi remotely from a Mobile phone}{}{}{}{\textbf{Guide}: Prof. S.R.N. Reddy ( CSE Dept., IGDTUW )\\
\textbf{Objective}: To obtain the users of the similar interest based on the keyword on YouTube.\\
\textbf{Group Size}: 3\\
\textbf{Description}:This project uses Remote control of real time hardware via networking. In this project we have used IOT stack.
Layer 1 : Sensors are used to take input from environment.
Layer 2 : Raspberry pi controls these sensors and motor.
Layer 3 : Sensors and motors are remotely controlled by an android app using internet (Wi-Fi network only).}
%\section{Major Courses Undertaken}
%\renewcommand{\listitemsymbol}{-~} % Changes the symbol used for lists
%\cvitem{Computer Science}{ Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Artificial Intelligence, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Theory of Computation, Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Database Management System, Computer Architecture, Discrete Mathematics, Data Structures.
%\cvitem{Mathematics}{ Statistical Methods, Probability, Differential Calculus, Linear Algebra, Matrix Theory, Complex Analysis, Vector Calculus.
% Coursework SECTION
\section{Certificates and Workshop}
\renewcommand{\listitemsymbol}{-~} % Changes the symbol used for lists
\cvitem{1}{\textbf {CodeChef Certified Data Structure and Algorithms Programme (CCDSAP)-}
I won \textbf {scholarship} to give CCDSAP foundation exam held on it on 19th November 2017. I passed the CCDSAP foundation exam.}
\cvitem{2}{ Attended one day workshop on \textbf {Angular.js and React} by Brain Mentors.}
\cvitem{3}{ Attended one day workshop on \textbf {Machine Learning using Python} by Brain Mentors.}
%\section{Communication Skills}
%\cvitem{2010}{Oral Presentation at the California Business Conference}
%\cvitem{2009}{Poster at the Annual Business Conference in Oregon}
%\cvitemwithcomment{Dutch}{Basic}{Basic words and phrases only}
% \section{Interests}
% \renewcommand{\listitemsymbol}{-~} % Changes the symbol used for lists
% \cvlistdoubleitem{Piano}{}
% \cvlistitem{Baseball}
% To remove the cover letter, comment out this entire block
%\recipient{HR Department}{Corporation\\123 Pleasant Lane\\12345 City, State} % Letter recipient
%\date{\today} % Letter date
%\opening{Dear Sir or Madam,} % Opening greeting
%\closing{Sincerely yours,} % Closing phrase
%\enclosure[Attached]{curriculum vit\ae{}} % List of enclosed documents
%\makelettertitle % Print letter title
%\lipsum[1-3] % Dummy text
%\makeletterclosing % Print letter signature