Muhammad Majeed's CV
Last Updated:
6 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Wrote it for PhD Studies. Created with the AltaCV template.

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Wrote it for PhD Studies. Created with the AltaCV template.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% This is an example CV created using altacv.cls (v1.1.4, 27 July 2018) written by
% LianTze Lim (liantze@gmail.com), based on the
% Cv created by BusinessInsider at http://www.businessinsider.my/a-sample-resume-for-marissa-mayer-2016-7/?r=US&IR=T
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%% sample.bib contains your publications
\name{Muhammad Majeed}
\tagline{Senior Engineer}
% Cropped to square from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marissa_Mayer#/media/File:Marissa_Mayer_May_2014_(cropped).jpg, CC-BY 2.0
% Not all of these are required!
% You can add your own with \printinfo{symbol}{detail}
\location{Lahore , Pakistan}
% \homepage{https://yogs447.blogspot.com/}
% \github{github.com/mmayer} % I'm just making this up though.
% \orcid{orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000} % Obviously making this up too. If you want to use this field (and also other academicons symbols), add "academicons" option to \documentclass{altacv}
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%% \cvsection title in the "main" bar.
\cvevent{MS Nuclear Engineering} {Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences}{2013 - 2015}{Islamabad, Pakistan}
\textsc{CGPA}: 3.25/4.0
\cvevent{BSc Electrical Engineering}{University of Engineering \& Technology Lahore}{2009 - 2013}{Lahore, Pakistan}
\textsc{CGPA}: 3.072/4.0
\cvevent{Diploma of Associate Engineering in Electrical}{Lahore Polytechnic Institute Lahore, Pakistan}{2004-2007}{Lahore , Pakistan}
\textsc{Percentage}: 78.98\%
% \divider
% \cvevent{Product Engineer}{Google}{23 June 1999 -- 2001}{Palo Alto, CA}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Joined the company as employe \#20 and female employee \#1
% \item Developed targeted advertisement in order to use user's search queries and show them related ads
% \end{itemize}
\cvsection{University Projects }
\item Small Hydro Power Plant.
\item Development of digital game by using gate logic.
\item Audio Amplifier Using Operational amplifier.
\item Moving message display using AT89C51 (micro-controller) by the usage of assembly language code.
\item Automatic water level detection and controller Using AT89C51 by C language code.
\item DC motor direction Control using MOSFET.
\item Development of variable frequency inverter by using MOSFETs.
\cvsection{Dissertation Work}
\cvevent{BSc Thesis}{Home appliances control through GSM and Smart metering system}{}{}
\item PIC micro-controller based application.
\item Designed the circuit and control logic for said purpose.
\item Developed C language Code for control logic.
\item Designed and developed the control circuit and its PCB.
\cvevent{MS Thesis}{Development of fluid theory based code for HBr/Cl2/Ar plasma discharge}{}{}
\item Designed a self sustained fluid model for plasma discharge.
\item Identified the important reactions of this plasma.
\item 22 species (positive, negative, neutral and excited) are incorporated in it.
\item Boltzmann Equation solver BOLSIG+ used to calculate rates of electron impact reactions.
\item Developed C language Code for the model in LINUX based OS.
\item Simulations of the code has been carried out by varying different parameters.
\item Result of important species is analysed and drawn by ORIGIN.
\item \textbf{Research paper of this work is under review in "Physics of Plasmas"}.
\cvsection[page2sidebar]{Work Experience}
\cvevent{Senior Engineer}{CHASHMA CENTER OF NUCLEAR
TRAINING, PAEC}{Nov 2015 - Present}{Chashma, Pakistan}
\item Training of newly inducted officers and Staff.
\item Impart training to officers on basic and advanced features of MS-Excel.
\item Worked in the team to up-grade the I/O system (EPICS based) of Simulator.
\item Developed the database for the newly I/O system installed
\item Ensuring quality control requirements and safety measures at job site.
\cvevent{Internee Engineer}{Pak Elektron Limited}{July 2012 - August 2012}{Lahore, Pakistan}
\item Coordinated with lead engineer to tackle the problems down in Switch-gear Department.
\item Attended meeting with the engineering team to optimize the production.
\item Visited work area on daily basis to monitor the work.
\item Presented my research work in Symposium on "\textbf{Advances in Nuclear Engineering}" at Pakistan Institute of Engineering \& Applied Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan.
\item Participated in "\textbf{Workshop on Plasma Physics-2015}" at National Centre for Physics, Islamabad, Pakistan.
\item Attended and successfully completed a four weeks course on "\textbf{Spoken English}" at University of Engineering \& Technology Lahore, Pakistan.
\item Participated in "\textbf{Student Professional Awareness Conference}" at University of Engineering \& Technology Lahore, Pakistan.
\cvachievement{\faNewspaperO}{Reading newspaper}{Have a keen eye on current affairs}
}{Music Addict}{Listen quality music of every genre}
\cvachievement{\faConnectdevelop}{Tracking}{Going for mount climbing on every single year}
\cvachievement{\faCar}{Travelling}{Always fond of traveling to exotic places}