Licheng Wei's CV
Licheng Wei
Last Updated:
6 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Licheng Wei's CV. Created with the Awesome CV template.

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Licheng Wei's CV. Created with the Awesome CV template.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Awesome Resume/CV
% XeLaTeX Template
% Version 1.2 (27/3/2017)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Claud D. Park (posquit0.bj@gmail.com) with modifications by
% Vel (vel@latextemplates.com)
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
% Important note:
% This template must be compiled with XeLaTeX, the below lines will ensure this
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{awesome-cv} % A4 paper size by default, use 'letterpaper' for US letter
\geometry{left=2cm, top=1.5cm, right=2cm, bottom=2cm, footskip=.5cm} % Configure page margins with geometry
\fontdir[fonts/] % Specify the location of the included fonts
% Color for highlights
\colorlet{awesome}{awesome-red} % Default colors include: awesome-emerald, awesome-skyblue, awesome-red, awesome-pink, awesome-orange, awesome-nephritis, awesome-concrete, awesome-darknight
%\definecolor{awesome}{HTML}{CA63A8} % Uncomment if you would like to specify your own color
% Colors for text - uncomment and modify
\renewcommand{\acvHeaderSocialSep}{\quad\textbar\quad} % If you would like to change the social information separator from a pipe (|) to something else
% Comment any of the lines below if they are not required
\address{57 St. Joseph Street 2911, Toronto, ON, Canada}
\linkedin{Licheng(Brian) Wei}
%\linkedin{linkedin name}
%\reddit{reddit account}
%\xing{xing name}
%\extrainfo{test} % Other text you want to include on this line
\position{Software Engineer} % Your expertise/fields
\makecvfooter{\today}{Licheng Wei~~~·~~~Résumé}{\thepage} % Specify the letter footer with 3 arguments: (<left>, <center>, <right>), leave any of these blank if they are not needed
\makecvheader % Print the header
% Each section is imported separately, open each file in turn to modify content
\newpage % Force a new page for looks