Juan D. Cardozo's Résumé
Juan Cardozo
Last Updated:
8 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Juan D. Cardozo's Résumé

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Juan D. Cardozo's Résumé
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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% personal data
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%----- resume ---------------------------------------------------------
\item{\cventry{Expected Graduation: June 2017}{Bachelor of Science in Computer Science}{University of California, Santa Cruz}{Santa Cruz, CA}{\textit{}}{}}
\textbf{Honors:} Dean's List (Winter 2016) , AngelHack 2016 1st Place and HackUCSC (2016) 3rd Place.
\\ \textbf{Related Coursework:} Software Engineering, Database Systems I, Artificial Intelligence, Introduction to Operating Systems, Mobile Applications and Web Applications.
\\ \textbf{Programming Languages:} JavaScript, Java, C,Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, Prolog, and OCaml.
\\ \textbf{Frameworks:} Node.js, Express.js, Angular.js, Android Studio, Google Analytics and Google AdWords
\section{Work Experience}
\item{\cventry{October 2016 - Present}{\textbf{Evaluation Analyst Intern}}{\textbf{University of California, Santa Cruz - Educational Partnership Center}}{Santa Cruz, CA}{}{\vspace{3pt} Assist with data collection and analysis from school districts; such as demographic, academic performance and survey data.
\vspace{3pt}\\• Created simple SQL code with Microsoft Access to accelerate the manipulation of data.\\• Analyzed and generated reports about student and parent data.
\cventry{August 2016 - October 2016}{\textbf{Lead Data Entry Assistant}}{}{Santa Cruz, CA}{}{Assist in data collections projects by being a conduit of communication from the Manager to Data Entry Assistants.\\• Managed multiple projects with tight deadlines and supervised three other employees.\\• Improved the management of projects by implementing task tracking methods.}
\cventry{July 2016 - August 2016}{\textbf{Data Manager Assistant/Data Entry}}{}{Santa Cruz, CA}{}{Provide assistance with research projects by updating, maintaining, and processing files and databases.\\• Processed more than 3000 sensitive student files and information in database systems such as SCRIBE and CoBro. \\• Assisted and oversaw 2 new interns with database, file management and data training.}
\item{\cventry{June 2014 - September 2015}{\textbf{Web Development and Marketing Manager}}{\textbf{Ofimática S.A.}}{Medellin, Colombia/Online}{}{Plan, create and deploy marketing campaigns to increase sales and improve the branding of the company.\\• Implemented online marketing strategies through Google AdWords that increased sales by 12\%.\\• Tailored the marketing strategy and web services to the commercial goals of the company.}
\cventry{July 2013 - June 2014}{\textbf{Digital Marketing Specialist}}{}{Medellin, Colombia/Online}{}{Employ Google Analytics to improve the performance of the online marketing strategy.\\• Increased the online presence of the company by designing an effective website with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.\\• Conducted research to position the brand in the marketplace for software with Google Analytics.}
\section{Software Projects}
\item{\cventry{}{https://github.com/JuanDCardozo/thingder}{iTradeU}{}{}{\vspace{3pt}E-commerce bartering system prototype created using MongoDB, Angular.js, Express.js and Node.js that allows users to automatically match and trade items they own for items they desire.}}
\item{\cventry{}{github.com/JuanDCardozo/charisma}{Charisma (AngelHack Silicon Valley 2016 1st Place)}{}{}{\vspace{3pt}A public speaking analytic application that provides metrics of a speech such as clarity, words per minute, speech word composition and speech to text. The application was developed in node.js and used HPE Haven On Demands API's.\\}}
\item{\cventry{}{github.com/JuanDCardozo/OnWatch-2.0}{OnWatch 2.0 (HackUCSC 3rd Place Tech-Cares 2016)}{}{}{\vspace{3pt}Android and Pebble watch silent alert app that tracks the user's safety levels. It then adjusts the response to dangerous events like tracking the user's location, recording events, alerting friends and informing the authorities of the situation.\\}}
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