Homework Template
Katherine Vance
Last Updated:
9 years ago
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
A simple template for homework sets.

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%This is a blank document for homework assignments.
%Some preliminaries: Anything after a '%' is a comment - it isn't read by
%the compiler.
%You are welcome to skip down to lines 38-44 to put in some information, and
%then to line 57 to start writing, but the preamble contains all the
%formatting that makes it look nice, if you're interested in how that works.
%Packages are just collections of commands to do different things. For
%almost anything you might want to do, there's a package that will do it.
%The article class is a very basic type of document for writing
%We will customize it to do what we want.
\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} %Adjust margins, formatting
%These packages add commands for useful symbols and fonts and things like that.
%Most of the time, these are all you need.
\usepackage{textcomp, gensymb} %Gives more symbols, like /degree
\usepackage{fancyhdr} %Header and Footer formatting
%Header and Footer Information
\lhead{\large{\bf Name}} %Replace with your name
\rhead{\textsc{Title}} %Replace "Title" with the name of the assignment
\lfoot{\today} %You can let it put in today's date or put one in yourself
\rfoot{\thepage\ of \ref{NumPages}} %Counts the pages.
\makeatletter %This provides a total page count as \ref{NumPages}
\usepackage{amsthm} %This will create the Problem environment
Re-state the problem here.
Type your solution here.