Ehsan Ullah's CV
Ehsan Ullah
Last Updated:
8 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Ehsan Ullah's CV

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Ehsan Ullah's CV
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\section{data personal}
DAU 1 Block C Room NO:108
Eastern Mediterranean University,Cyprus
House No:2 Dr colony BMC Brewery Road
Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan
\section{Computer Skills}
{\color{red} $\varheartsuit$} C, C++, Database Management,Ms word,Ms office,Microsoft power point
I am a third year student in Eastern Mediterranean University and studying Molecular Biology and Genetics.I have clear my higher secondary school in science department.
{laboratory experience}
In my 4 year degree program in Molecular Biology and Genetics, i have been performing experiment in three major subject of science. In biology laboratory i have been working with different types of microscope such as light microscope and dissecting microscope. We have been using Gel electrophoresis and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).I have been performing protein transformation and doing test on GMO and Non GMO food.In general and organic chemistry lab we performed many experiment.Different chemical reactions were performed like acid and base reaction,formation of soaps and caffeine. The other reactions were on crystallization, filtration and different types of distillation. In physics lab we have been dealing with amperes law, ohms law and other reactions. }
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{From High school to Bachelor program}
\small{I have done my secondary school in science group with A(Excellent) grade in 2012. I have also cleared my intermediate annual examination with A(Excellent) grade in science group in the year 2014. I am completing my bachelor program in Molecular Biology and Genetics and i have completed 2 years of my degree and 2 more years are left.}}
{Olimpiads and student club membership}
{I am active member of Genetic club, environmental club and psychology students club in Eastern Mediterranean University. Playing football,cricket,basketball are important part of daily activities. }
\textbf{} I am very much interested doing scientific research in scientific laboratory. I want to work with international pharmaceutical company. Cancer genetics is also of important topics of todays world that also need to be studied