% Plasmati Graduate CV
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% Version 1.0 (24/3/13)
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% Original author:
% Alessandro Plasmati (alessandro.plasmati@gmail.com)
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\par{\centering{\Huge Yuri \textsc{S. Villas Boas}}\bigskip\par} % Your name
\section{Personal Data}
\textsc{Place and Date of Birth:} & Brazil | 13 July 1992 \\
\textsc{Current city:} & Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil \\
\textsc{Phone:} & +55 (21) 973 923 443\\
\textsc{email:} & \href{mailto:yurisvb@gmail.com}{yurisvb@gmail.com}
\section{Work Experience}
\emph{Dec 2015-Jan 2016} & Software Analyst at \textsc{IMPA}, Rio de Janeiro \\
& \footnotesize{Provided technical documentation in Latex to a software in R by Felipe \textsc{Macias} and his adviser professor at the \textsc{National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics} (IMPA), Dr. Jorge P \textsc{Zubelli}.} \\
& Reference: \href{mailto:zubelli@impa.br}{Dr. Jorge P. Zubelli}\\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Jan 2014-Jul 2014} & Software Developer at \textsc{LTM}, Rio de Janeiro \emph{}\\
& \footnotesize{
Produced new classes for a generic purpose C++ simulation API by \textsc{DEM Solutions®} used in the \textsc{Laboratory of Mining Technology} (LTM) of the \textsc{Federal University of Rio de Janeiro} to simulate milling.}\\
& Reference: \href{mailto:rodrigo@metalmat.ufrj.br}{Dr. Rodrigo Carvalho}\\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Ago 2012-Dec 2013} & Software Developer at \textsc{IM-UFRJ}, Rio de Janeiro \emph{}\\
& \footnotesize{Developed, in the \textsc{Mathematics Institute} (IM) of \textsc{Federal University of Rio de Janeiro} a software in C++, parallelized with \textbf{Open MPI} (Message Passing Interface) and using \textbf{GMP} (GNU Multiple Precision), to calculate the \textbf{tau function}, in order to investigate the \textbf{integer tau conjecture}, a conjecture in the field of \textbf{Complexity}.}\\
& Reference: \href{mailto:gregorio@ufrj.br}{Dr. Gregóroi M. Muñoz}\\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
% LOOSA - lab. de
% optoeletrônica orgânica e sistemas anisotrópicos e na parte do programa,
% poderias colocar: ... C++, um programa de tratamento estatística onde aplica
% a análise de leis de escalas (scaling laws) para o estudo morfológico em superfícies..."
\textsc{Ago 2010-May 2011} & Software Developer at \textsc{LOOSA-UFSC}, Florianópolis \emph{}\\
& \footnotesize{Developed, in the \textsc{Organic Optoelectronics and Anisotropic Systems Laboratory} of \textsc{Federal University of Santa Catarina} a software in C++ that statistically analyses microscopical topographies according to \textbf{scaling laws}}\\
& Reference: \href{mailto:martaelisard@gmail.com}{Dr. Marta Elisa R. Dotto}\\
% \textsc{July} 2012 & Master of Commerce in \textsc{Finance}, \textbf{The University of California}, Berkeley\\
% & 110/110 \small\emph{First Class Honours} | Major: Quantitative Finance\\
% & Thesis: ``Money is the Root of All Evil - Or is it?'' | \small Advisor: Prof. James \textsc{Smith}\\
% &\normalsize \textsc{Gpa}: 8.0/9.0\hyperlink{grds}{\hfill | \footnotesize Detailed List of Exams}\\
% &\\
\textsc{Mar} 2012-\textsc{Mar} 2016& Bachelor's Degree in \textsc{}\textsc{Applied Mathematics}\\%110/110
& \small\emph{Finance Specialization}, \normalsize\textbf{Federal University of Rio de Janeiro}, Rio de Janeiro\\
%& Heavily specialized in mundane paperwork |
& \small Advisor: Gregório M. \textsc{Muñoz}\\
% &\normalsize \textsc{Gpa}: 6.9/10.0 \hyperlink{grds_usc}{\hfill| \footnotesize Detailed List of Exams}\\
% \textsc{Fall} 2008 & Exchange Semester at \textbf{University of Southern California}, Los Angeles\\
% & \textsc{Gpa}: 8.0/9.0 \hyperlink{grds_usc}{\hfill| \footnotesize Detailed List of Exams}\\
% &\\
% %------------------------------------------------
% \textsc{July} 2006& \textbf{Liceo Classico ``E. Duni''}, Matera | Final Grade: 100/100
% %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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% \section{Scholarships and Certificates}
% \begin{tabular}{rl}
% \textsc{Sept.} 2012 & Faculty of Science Masters Scholarship \footnotesize(\$30,000)\normalsize\\
% \setmainfont{[Fontin-SmallCaps.otf]}
% \textsc{June} 2010 & {\textsc{Gmat}\textregistered}\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont= Fontin-SmallCaps.otf]{Fontin-Regular.otf}: 730 (\textsc{q:50;v:39}) 96\textsuperscript{th} percentile; \textsc{awa}: 6.0/6.0 (89\textsuperscript{th} percentile)
% \end{tabular}
\textsc{English:} & Fluent \\%- Reference: \href{mailto:pavo.cameo@gmail.com\}{Anastasia Pavo}, English instructor at \href{http://www.languagecourse.net/school-proba-educational-centre-st--petersburg.php3}{ProBa School}\\
\textsc{Portuguese:} & Mothertongue\\
\textsc{Spanish:} & Advanced Knowledge\\
\textsc{French:} & Intermediate Knowledge\\
\textsc{Italian:} & Basic Knowledge\\
% %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% \section{Computer Skills}
% \begin{tabular}{rl}
% Basic Knowledge: & \textsc{php}, my\textsc{sql}, \textsc{html}, Access, \textsc{Linux}, ubuntu, {\fb \LaTeX}\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont=Fontin-SmallCaps.otf]{Fontin-Regular.otf}\\
% Intermediate Knowledge: & \textsc{vba}, Excel, Word, PowerPoint\\
% \end{tabular}
\section{Interests and Activities}
Applied Mathematics and Physics, Automated Theorem Proving, Maxwell's Demons\\
Theology, Philosophy, Ethics, Veganism, Politics, Economics\\
Pianistic, Erudite Music in general
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% \par{\centering\Large \hypertarget{grds}{Master of Science in \textsc{Finance}}\par}\large{\centering Grades\par}\normalsize
% \begin{center}
% \begin{tabular}{lcc}
% \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textsc{Exam}} & \textsc{Grade}&\textsc{Credit Hrs}\\ \hline
% Corporate Finance (Valuation) & 25 & 6\\
% Financial Statement Analysis & 28 & 6\\
% Statistics & 27 & 6\\
% Theory of Finance & 26 & 6\\
% Quantitative Methods for Finance & 30 & 6\\
% Econometrics & 24 & 6\\
% Derivatives & 31 & 6\\
% Management of Financial and Insurance Companies & 30 & 6\\
% Business Law & 31 & 6\\
% Investment Banking & 28 & 6\\ \\
% Behavioral Models for Economics and Finance & 29 & 6\\
% Numerical Methods for Finance & 29 & 6\\
% Advanced Derivatives & 30 & 6\\
% Fixed Income (Advanced Methods) & 30 & 6\\ \\
% English Language & 30 & 4\\
% French Language & 31 & 4\\
% Internship & & 8\\
% Final Thesis & & 20\\
% & Total & 120\\\cline{2-3}
% &\textsc{Gpa}&\textbf{8.0}
% \end{tabular}
% \end{center}
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% \par{\centering\Large \hypertarget{grds_usc}{Exchange Program at \textsc{usc}, Los Angeles}\par}\large{\centering Grades\par}\normalsize
% \begin{center}
% \begin{tabular}{lcc}
% \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textsc{Exam}} & \textsc{Grade} & \textsc{Grade Points}\\
% \hline
% Corporate Financial Strategy & A & 4\\
% Derivatives & A & 4\\
% Money, Credit, and Banking & A & 4\\
% Business Strategy & A- & 3.5\\
% & &\\\cline{2-3}
% & \textsc{Gpa} & \textbf{3.875}
% \end{tabular}
% \end{center}
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