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\title{\textbf{Curriculum Guide for Doctoral Training in Injury Epidemiology}}
%\renewcommand\abstractname{Summary and aims}
\section*{Curriculum Overview}
In addition to the thesis research activities, a number of academic credits are required in order to satisfy the requirements to be allowed to eventually defend a doctoral thesis. The following recommended curriculum has been developed to suit the specific and strategic aims of doctoral training within the injury epidemiology and prevention research group. A total of 40 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) are required. For the purposes of clarifying the below content, one ECTS is equivalent to 27 hours of instructed or supervised time.
\subsection*{General Education Requirement options (10 ECTS credits required)}
\item Philosophy of Medicine: (2 credits). This course is a requirement for all doctoral students within the faculty of medicine at the University of Turku. We can arrange for this course requirement to be met via an assignment that can be completed by writing and submitting two extended essays about a subject matter related with your research, research ethics or other matter with prior approval from the supervisory team.
\item Teaching and supervision (8 credits). Doctoral students may satisfy a portion of their general education credits via teaching in an approved academic setting or supervising an academic project. The teaching or supervision hours have to be certified in writing and with substantiated documentation, by the head of the respective department or institution where the teaching or supervision has been carried out.
\item Courses in academic writing (5 ECTS credits). Recommended courses in academic writing can be acquired by taking an online course at EdX \url{https://www.edx.org/course/academic-writing-made-easy} or a similar pre-approved course.
\subsection*{Discipline Specific Studies (30 ECTS credits required)}
\item Methodology Journal Club in Injury Epidemiology (8 ECTS)
Note: A total of 16 journal club assignments must be completed for 0.5 ECTS per seminar. This journal club is carried out with the joint participation of students of injury epidemiology at the University of Turku in Finland and the University of Heidelberg in Germany.
\item Comprehensive Book Exam (12 ECTS). This exam will be offered during the second half of year two and represents a culmination of assigned reading acquired knowledge up until the examination period. The content of the exam will include but not limited to: injury prevention concepts, research ethics, design of epidemiological studies, methodology and biostatistics. The examinations are prepared by the supervisory team and externally evaluated.
\item Scientific publishing of manuscripts not part of the thesis (4 ECTS) Note: Four co-authored manuscripts to meet this requirement.
\item One-on-one supervision by the supervisor during the study and research period. (4 ECTS)
\item A minimum of two international conferences are required with an oral presentation (2 ECTS)
\subsection*{Additional compulsory courses}
The following courses will not generate ECT credits, but are of benefit to your research and eventual thesis.
\item Introduction to Public Health
\item Qualitative Methods in Public Health Research
\item Quantitative Methods in Public Health Research
\item Introduction to Data Analysis using R
\item Introduction to Injury and Epidemiology
\item Project management
\item Grant proposal writing
\subsection*{Prior coursework}
A \textbf{very limited} number of credits \textbf{may} be accepted from prior studies where a certificate has been issued. The certificate must list either the number of hours of exposure or the academic credits awarded. If the credits are not ECTS credits an official guide explaining how to convert the credits in ECTS must be attached.
\section*{Milestones Illustrated}
% References