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%%% Custom sectioning}{sectsty package)
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%%% Macros
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\newcommand{\MyName}[1]{ % Name
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\par \normalsize \normalfont}
\newcommand{\MySlogan}[1]{ % Slogan}{optional)
\large \usefont{OT1}{phv}{m}{n}\hfill \textit{#1}
\par \normalsize \normalfont}
\newcommand{\NewPart}[2]{\section*{\uppercase{#1} #2}}
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 % Indentation
\parbox{\spacebox}{ % Box to align text
\textit{#1}} % Entry name}{birth, address, etc.)
\hspace{1.5em} #2 \par} % Entry value
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\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 % Indentation
\parbox{\spacebox}{ % Box to align text
\textit{#1}} % Entry name}{birth, address, etc.)
\hspace{1.5em} #2 \par} % Entry value
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill % Study
\hfill\color{Black}#2}} \par % Duration
\noindent \textit{#3} \par % School
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #4 % Description
\normalsize \par}
\newcommand{\WorkEntry}[4]{ % Same as \EducationEntry
\noindent \textbf{#1} \hfill % Jobname
\colorbox{White}{\color{White}#2} \par % Duration
\noindent \textit{#3} \par % Company
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #4 % Description
\normalsize \par}
\noindent #1, ``\href{#7}{#2}", \textit{#3} \textbf{#4}, #5 (#6).}
\noindent #1, ``\href{http://arxiv.org/abs/#3}{#2}", \textit{{cond-mat/}#3}.}
\noindent #1, ``\href{#3}{#4}", \textit{#3}.}
\noindent #1, ``#2", \$#3 (#4, #5).}
\noindent #1, #2, #3 #4}
\noindent #1 -- #2 #3 ``#4" \textit{#5}}
\noindent \item{#1: \textbf{#2} \\ #3}}
%%% Begin Document
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
% you can upload a photo and include it here...
%\MySlogan{Curriculum Vit\ae\ (\today)}
\MySlogan{Curriculum Vit\ae\ }
%%% Personal details
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\PersonalEntry{手机}{(+86) 18811728636}
%%% Work experience
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Education
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
{博士生导师: 乔宾(北京大学) }
%%% Papers
%%% ------------------------------------------------------------
\item \PaperEntry{\underline{W. L. Zhang}, B. Qiao, T. W. Huang, X. F. Shen, W. Y. You, X. Q. Yan, S. Z. Wu, C. T. Zhou, and X. T. He}{Quasi-monoenergetic ion beam acceleration by laser-driven shock and solitary waves in near-critical plasmas}{Phys. Plasmas}{}{}{$\textbf{under\ review}$}
\item \PaperEntry{\underline{W. L. Zhang}, B. Qiao, X. F. Shen, W. Y. You, T. W. Huang, X. Q. Yan, S. Z. Wu, C. T. Zhou, and X. T. He}{Generation of quasi-monoenergetic heavy ion beams via staged shock wave acceleration driven by intense laser pulses in near-critical plasmas}{New J. Phys}{}{}{$\textbf{under\ review}$}
%\NewPart{Pending manuscripts}{\href{http://arxiv.org/find/cond-mat/1/au:+Appelbaum_I/0/1/0/all/0/1}{[arxiv]}}
%\item \ArxivEntry{J. Li and \underline{I. Appelbaum}}{D$^-$ donor spin coupling to conduction electrons in silicon}{1308.5621}
\item 英语:能熟练运用英语进行阅读、书写、以及学术交流。CET4:525分; CET6:498分
\item 计算机:熟练运用IDL, Matlab等数学软件;熟悉C, FORTRAN95等编程语言;熟练操作Linux等操作系统
\item 2013年度中国等离子体物理暑期学校,华中科技大学
\item 2014年度中国等离子体物理暑期学校,上海交通大学
%\NewPart{Theses Supervised}{}
%\item\ThesisEntry{\href{http://www.linkedin.com/pub/hyun-soo-kim/48/28/191}{Hyun-Soo Kim}}{MS}{12/13}{\href{http://drum.lib.umd.edu/handle/1903/15485}{Hot Electron Injection into Uniaxially Strained Silicon}}{UMD}
%Other (non-thesis) MS completion: Gardner Swan '12 (\emph{USPTO}) and Holly Tinkey '14 (\emph{UMD})
%\NewPart{Major Departmental Committees Chaired}{}
%\textit{\textattachfile[color=1 0 1]{teaching.pdf}{@ U. Maryland, Physics Dept.}:}