Bhupendra Kumhare's CV
Bhupendra Kumhare
Last Updated:
7 years ago
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Bhupendra Kumhare's CV

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Bhupendra Kumhare's CV
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\name{Bhupendra}{Kumhare} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\address{Plot 453, Shiv Mandir Road,}{Ward 40, Kelabadi, Durg}{Dist- Durg. C.G. 491001}% optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; the "postcode city" and and "country" arguments can be omitted or provided empty
\phone[mobile]{+91 9755152803} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\phone[fixed]{09893709473} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
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\small{Metallurgical engineer completed master's degree in Steel Technology, having experience in Iron Production, teaching, as well as familiar with research and quality testing. Passionate about science, with strong technical, creative and interpersonal skills for working in a team and successfully completing a project assigned.}
\section{Previous Employment}
\item{\cventry{Since 2014}{Technical Educator and Personality Development teacher}{Self - Employed}{Durg, C.G.}{}{\vspace{3pt}Since 2014, alongwith pursuing M.Tech degree I have been taking classes of diploma (metallurgy) students, training them for various competitive exams like SAIL, DRDO etc and campus recruitment.}}
\item{\cventry{01 August 2015-- 16 August 2016}{Lecturer, Department of Metallurgy}{Agrasen Polytechnic College}{Balod, C.G.}{}{\vspace{3pt}I worked for one year as a Lecturer teaching Metallurgical Engineering students about Iron production, Steel Production, Secondary steel making, Extractive metallurgy, and Testing of materials. I was often trusted with other jobs such as looking after Industrial training and placement of the students. During this time I worked in a highly professional manner under a great team and leadership, and was focused to impart and gain as much knowledge as I could in the theoretical Metallurgy.}}
\item{\cventry{18 July 2012--10 August 2013}{Graduate Engineer Trainee}{Prakash Industrie Limited}{Champa, C.G.}{}{\vspace{3pt}I spent one year and a month as a Graduate Engineer Trainee in the Sponge Iron Department after completion of my under-graduate degree. In the initial months I was asssigned as incharge of the De-dusting unit, where I looked after working and maintainance of Bag-Filters. After that I was given an additional charge of Product Separation unit of Kiln No.4, where I had to perform regular quality audits and to look after efficient working of Magnetic separation routes of sponge iron prduct. In the last two months or so I was attached with Quality assurance department at SID, so as to inspect the quality of incoming raw materials, ensure and improve the quality of products to be dispatched.}}
\subsection{Academic Qualifications}
\item{\cventry{First Class 69.6 percent}{Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University}{M.Tech, Steel Technology}{2013 - 2016}{\textit{Bhilai, C.G.}}{}}
\item{\cventry{62.14 percent}{O. P. Jindal Institute of Technology}{B.E., Metallurgical Engineering}{2008 - 2012}{\textit{Raigarh, C.G.}}{}} % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty
\item{\cventry{59.6 percent}{BSP Senior Secondary School Sector 7}{+2 examination, CBSE, PCM-CompSc group}{2007 - 2008}{\textit{Bhilai, C.G.}}{}}
\item{\cventry{72.30 percent}{BSP Senior Secondary School Sector 7}{High school examination, CBSE}{2005 - 2006}{\textit{Bhilai, C.G.}}{}}
\subsection{Academic Projects}
\item{\textbf{Master's Project :} \textit{"Study of various control parameters involved during production and rolling of Free Cutting Steels"}
\small{This was major project of my M.Tech degree. Most of project was done at Neco-Jayaswal Industries Limited where these steels are manufactured in a Co-Jet furnace. The project mainly emphasises on studies related to production of Free-cutting steels mainly En1A/12L14 grade, studying various control parameeters like alloying and process parameters, so as to impart a proper machinability to the product steel. Also in the project, root-cause analysis of various complaints from the customers has been done. During this project I get to work with a very efficient team at Steel melting Shop @Neco-Jayaswal Ind., and I got an opportunity to do real-time investigation for customer compliance, and I was fortunate to solve all the complaints received giving appropriate solution which implemeted effectively.}}
\item{\textbf{Primary Dissertation of Mtech:} \textit{"Study of Secondary cooling employed during Comtinous Casting of Steels"}
\small{The study for this dissertation work was mainly done on-site at Bhilai Steel Plant, a unit of SAIL at C.G., at the SMS-2 continous casting department. After carrying out the primary cooling of the steel strand in the mould, the strand is secondarily cooled via water-mist, the intensity with which mist spraying is to be done so that, it would help in solidifying billet to the core before reaching the end of metallurgical length of the caster, and various other small and large parameters were discussed in this dissertation work.}}
\item{\textbf{Industrial Project with JSPL,Raigarh/ B.E. Major project:}\textit{'Study on how to increase the reactivity of coal and char to be employed in Alteranative Iron making technologies'}
\small{In order to get higher efficiency in the DRI process we need to enhance the reactivity of Coal to be used, the unburnt carbon product of the process, generally called Char, is also of high industrial use due to its still contain Carbon and volatile matter content. The project mainly deals with study of the dependency of Coal reactivity, on different factors, and thus tries finding a solution to increase the reactivity of Indian Non-Coking Coal.}}
\section{Technical and Personal skills}
\item \textbf{Programming Languages:} Familiar with : C, C++, FORTRAN.
\item \textbf{Industry Software Skills:} Proficient with MS office products like Powerpoint, excel sheets, access, word etc.
\item \textbf{Personal Skills:} Creative person, eager to learn, easily adaptable to environment and work culture, Work well in a team, good in managing people, optimistic attitude, and diligent person.
\item \textbf{Other:} Very good report writing and presentation skills, good in training people, good skills in perfroming regular quality audits and root cause analysis.
\section{Achievements and extra-curricular activities}
\item{Cleared Hindustan Copper Limited Executive recruitment 2016 written examination and attended the interview at Kolkata Hq on July 2017.}
\item{Cleared CGPSC assistant professor technical recruitment 2015 written examination, but got screened due to incompletion of Mtech degree before the date of form fill-up i.e. july 2015.}
\item{Cleared SAIL Management Trainee Technical examination 2014, qualified in written as well as interview, but got screened in last stage of group discussion.}
\item{Participated and won in various national and state level Quiz competetions}
\item{Participated and won in various singing competitions.}
\item{As a member of Society of Metallurgical Engineers, during under-graduate college, I as a part of team, gave basic training to fresher student about computers and programming languages to be used during engineering. Also under SME i was the part of Editorial team of the semi-yearly magazine "Dhatuki"}
\item{During my Under-graduate college I was the Head of Cultural Society of College, and alongwith a wonderful team of enthusiatic people, I had organised the technical festival of our college TECHNOROLLIX for three successfull years. Also various other cultural and technical events were organised by me with my team, like National conference on mathematics, two international conferences at our college, University youth sports meet etc.}
\item{Up to 4 references available on request}
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